This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
As a criminal profiler, three quarters of you should be behind bars.
Most of that is a lie…specifically the criminal profiler part.
Just posted an invitation at amboss board. Let see if user count increase a little.
Sheesshhh slept in the body feels amazing time to build! Happy Tuesday Plebs Lisa Neigut just asked what do you want your legacy to be hers is showing up. Mine would be to make others great around me Whats yours???
Working on performance a bit again today.
Then going to go back to profile images and fix some of the wonkiness.
Looks like I'm going to have to denormalize upvotes either by putting them into their own table or adding them directly to the items table. Currently upvotes are in an Item act table with tips, boost, and job payments which makes certain queries easier but more important queries slower. This has become exacerbated by job payments which now dominate the table given the relative quantity.
The main reason I wouldn't want to add them directly to items is that when trust is recomputed, all old items would effectively go stale in terms of their upvotes and things like 'top' could become inaccurate over long time periods.
Upvotes in their own table though might also have limited scalability at some point.
The change I made yesterday speeds up the slow query in question theoretically (uses an index that filters more rows), but slows everything down because it reads more pages into memory => consumes more memory => more disk swaps => more CPU.
Deploying denormalized ranking now ... then going to work on this comment thread overflow thing which we've recently run into with flame wars.
People who say that we don’t need laws are experienced criminals.
Laws sound like a great idea until you realise someone has to make and enforce them and you end up creating a power disparity which incentivizes corruption and crime. Essentially what you set out to solve with laws you just institutionalized and the saying "People who say we need laws are experienced criminals" holds more truth.
Like I’ve been saying, theres too much emotion in society and that’s why laws are in place. To believe the alternative that everyone would just be “chilling” and sharing is ridiculous. There will always be roaming gangs that are governed within themselves.
Okay so if laws reduce emotion in society we shouldnt have much of it today since we have laws
Imagine what it would be like without them.
laws create more problems than they solve so there would be less problems. i mean think about it, you cant just write a law to make a problem go away. its a scam
All hail our AI overlords.
That’s your emotional opinion.
there are so many examples of laws creating more problems than they solve. the emotional opinion is that laws somehow solves problems
The experienced criminals (eg. Banksters) actually need laws to protect them from competition.
Also the Rulers need them to enslave their subjects.
You’re all getting emotional lol….all hail our AI overlords.
There's one true law, the Natural Law, that is simply this:
  • do not do harm/damage to another wo/man
  • do not kill another wo/man
  • do not steal from another wo/man
I will add: do not lie, always speak truth.
If more people will simply respect this Natural law, the world will be much better, without any other so called "laws" enacted by a bunch of idiots named "governments or parliaments"and in fact are just rules and regulations against people, not to help people.
Please watch this amazing documentary about Natural Law so you will understand what am I talking about.
no, majority of law are derived from actual cases that can be argued at court, backed by accurate definitions so that we do not have something as vague as "do not lie, always speak truth"
And who gives the "authority" to a court to rule over me, a free living man? Yes, you point it very clearly, in courts we "argue, debate" not FIXING things. The courts of today are the biggest lie ever existed.
Tell me if you know why the "judges" wear black robes? It's all a shitshow theater...
the collective society gave its authority to achieve justice.
collective society
this is such a bullshit.... is literally mob rule.
NOBODY have any authority over you without your consent. Otherwise is slavery.
So you think "do not lie" is a better ruling law than the existing law that has several definition of what "lie" is and based on the severity of the crime, comes with different level of punishment?
I for one for certain know you have someone's authority over you without your consent. In fact i know everyone has one, it's called being born.
I see that your mind is very well trained to think only in abuse, threatening, slavery, violence, you always want that somebody "must be punished" but never try to start with good things.
If you want a better world, start with behaving in a good way, be the change don't wait for the change. Why you have to live in fear all the time with "what if somebody will attack me, rob me or kill me" ?
Why don't you start showing your goodness from your instead of showing fear? Only slaves live in fear. A sovereign man is responsible for its own actions and is aware of that. A slave will never care because is always thinking that the master will care of him.
Good luck being a shit scared slave...
Doesn’t take emotion into account. Natural law sounds more like AI law….I have nothing against our AI overlords.
This is what you want? I wonder if you are able to see the details.
If the parabolic growth keeps up is ready to handle it? It seems like everything would need to be scaled, from the lightning node, to the website and so on. Scary?
Lots will need to be improved but there’s nothing big in the way of scaling. It’s all pretty straightforward: horizontally scale (more machines), vertically scale (more cpu/ram), denormalize db queries I can’t optimize, etc
We need reliable WatchTowers for LN nodes. There's a list of "altruistic" nodes that offer WT but I tried 3-4 of them and after not even a week are not reachable anymore.
The failure of connecting to a WT, makes LND to go crazy with loaded memory and in the end just stop. You have to disable WT and restart LND.
We have some options:
  • make a better solution for WT
  • people that promote they "offer" WT to do it ONLY if they really do it not just for the sake of saying it.
  • make a paid service on which we can rely 100% on it
Any other idea?
I really like the idea of paying for WTs but it shouldn't be very expensive for users to do so. The pricing should be very minimal like 5-10 sats/channel/month or something. There should be work on this on the protocol level itself making sure we don't bloat it more than necessary. Watch towers should be preferably hosted on-premise and in data-centers that have a good up time because of having excellent connectivity and power backups.
Since stacker news integrated lightning adress i can use when receiving a payment from someone, i can put the address on my website or whatever, and people can either see how cool i am because i got a adress and if not help spread awareness of ever so slightly. So lightning adress is kinda like wearing a digital t-shirt with a logo.
Notice the same yesterday, getalby give you an address too!!
Someone just need to re-implement email on lightning.
"Anything below 100k that isn't the contact list move to spam", and the issue with spam solved.
Even add the option to send back the payment if someone pay for send you an email if you open it.