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People who say that we don’t need laws are experienced criminals.
There's one true law, the Natural Law, that is simply this:
  • do not do harm/damage to another wo/man
  • do not kill another wo/man
  • do not steal from another wo/man
I will add: do not lie, always speak truth.
If more people will simply respect this Natural law, the world will be much better, without any other so called "laws" enacted by a bunch of idiots named "governments or parliaments"and in fact are just rules and regulations against people, not to help people.
Please watch this amazing documentary about Natural Law so you will understand what am I talking about.
no, majority of law are derived from actual cases that can be argued at court, backed by accurate definitions so that we do not have something as vague as "do not lie, always speak truth"
And who gives the "authority" to a court to rule over me, a free living man? Yes, you point it very clearly, in courts we "argue, debate" not FIXING things. The courts of today are the biggest lie ever existed.
Tell me if you know why the "judges" wear black robes? It's all a shitshow theater...
the collective society gave its authority to achieve justice.
collective society
this is such a bullshit.... is literally mob rule.
NOBODY have any authority over you without your consent. Otherwise is slavery.
So you think "do not lie" is a better ruling law than the existing law that has several definition of what "lie" is and based on the severity of the crime, comes with different level of punishment?
I for one for certain know you have someone's authority over you without your consent. In fact i know everyone has one, it's called being born.
Doesn’t take emotion into account. Natural law sounds more like AI law….I have nothing against our AI overlords.
This is what you want? I wonder if you are able to see the details.
The experienced criminals (eg. Banksters) actually need laws to protect them from competition.
Also the Rulers need them to enslave their subjects.
Laws sound like a great idea until you realise someone has to make and enforce them and you end up creating a power disparity which incentivizes corruption and crime. Essentially what you set out to solve with laws you just institutionalized and the saying "People who say we need laws are experienced criminals" holds more truth.
Like I’ve been saying, theres too much emotion in society and that’s why laws are in place. To believe the alternative that everyone would just be “chilling” and sharing is ridiculous. There will always be roaming gangs that are governed within themselves.
Okay so if laws reduce emotion in society we shouldnt have much of it today since we have laws
Imagine what it would be like without them.
laws create more problems than they solve so there would be less problems. i mean think about it, you cant just write a law to make a problem go away. its a scam
All hail our AI overlords.
That’s your emotional opinion.
You’re all getting emotional lol….all hail our AI overlords.