As I said many times before: US wll be the last place on Earth that will fully adopt Bitcoin. US People are too deep into debt fiat mentality...
I agree. The elite have built their wealth through debt while preaching the virtues of thrift and savings to the peasants.
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Elon's model for x.
Elon will be the first one in introducing
linked to a CBDC.
@remindme 1 year
That’s the aim…. and his fan boys will lap it up with a Tesla made spoon.
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I don't always agree with the guy, but he's an entertaining interview. I loved that Rogan podcast the other day.
I can’t give him the time of day. I just see a Bond villain hiding in plain sight.
I have a difficult time with his hypocrisy. He rightly complains about shadow banning and censorship, then censors his competition. Also, I can't get past his bitcoin charade a few years ago. Manipulation for his own entertainment.
Like a lot of historic megalomaniacal kings - they rail against the rules that restrict their rights while enforcing them on everyone else.
He wrecked people with his Doggy-coin nonsense and it was just a joke to him. A cat can play with mice as long as they want but eventually they bite their heads off…