I know what you mean, I encountered similar things with gender pronouns.
For me, it seems to mostly just be patronism. They want to help a group by protecting it since they feel they are in the minority and thus need protection.
I tried to argue that I think these groups can speak for themselves and it's mostly virtue signaling if everyone starts to change their language to accommodate them. I think that makes the situation even worse for them since they will be the scapegoat of the public. "We need to change our language because of them?!"
But I am not sure if the majority of the minority even wants to be treated specially.
If someone changes their language to not hurt me, I would be pretty pissed lol
Don't you want to be treated like everyone else? Isn't that what equality is about? Not that everyone gets their special rights?
This is the final death act in extreme liberalism… anyone can be anything unless someone else says so and then it is their right to be that thing regardless of utility…