I sense an edit… lol
My Wizard Of Oz reference might be a little long in the tooth. I feel like SN is undergoing a major growth surge. This will be interesting to observe.
Wizards of Oz, now that takes me back to my childhood, the carefree years that we will never get back.
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I'm no expert besides the fact that I watched the film once a year as a child. Dorothy turns to her dog Toto after the tornado knocks them into Oz and says "Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore." All the kids loved that line. Lots of iconic lines simply because it was a shared generational experience, I think.
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I also should mention a bizarre coincidence (?) Some people believe Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon was oddly synced to the scenes of the film. It's pretty entertaining. Just go on YouTube and search Pink Floyd Wizard of Oz. Yes, we were pretty altered in the 70s.
Definitely looking into this!