OMG you are just feeding spammers.
How exactly?
How am I suppose to take in consideration any post by an anon if everybody could be an anon ?
What? Anybody can already be anon, this PR doesn't change that.
I use anon sometimes myself.
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avoiding some of the blow back potentially, to save engagement energy. sometimes there might be something to be said, but we don't always want to be exposed to having to die on that specific hill, lol :)
Well said. Some people take stuff way too seriously and judge you by little things you said.
Doesn't matter how much other things you said.
If you said X, you're automatically Y, lol
Don't need to feed these people. If that makes me a coward, so be it.
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if you really want to not use your main nym, then create a new one, random one and use it. But then we are in another situation... 2 faces nym, that means personality disorder...
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hahaha exactly my point - a mess
then create a new one, random one and use it.
Why not just use anon for single takes?
and then nemo came also as anon and reply with an opposite view, just to mess around... How that sounds to you? Will be a good conversation or wasting time?
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Sounds like a fun conversation :)
Yes, we need to pick our battles.
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The exception highlights the rule :)
Maybe bad translation, in German we say:
"Die Ausnahme bestätigt die Regel."
If that makes me a coward, so be it.
I wasn't talking about you and other SN devs that we already know you are using different accounts to post specific stuff.
I was talking about those regular stackers with a SN account that are (ab)using the anon feature to post stuff that could be opposite or affect their regular SN account reputation. That means they are NOT responsible for their own actions/words, they do not have balls to take that responsibility, they do not know how to stand your ground. That means they have two faces, personality disorder. Why would I take in consideration such things?
I wasn't talking about you and other SN devs that we already know you are using different accounts to post specific stuff.
Don't be a coward now Darth, stand by your words! :)
Just kidding, it's all in good faith here. But I really do use anon to hide myself from some "personal" takes since I don't want to associate myself necessarily with these views publicly. So
I was talking about those regular stackers with a SN account that are (ab)using the anon feature to post stuff that could be opposite or affect their regular SN account reputation.
Is indeed exactly what I am doing :) I can understand your view, I just don't agree with it. Your stances on (the importance of) privacy are just different and that's fine :)
But I think you should call me a coward now and don't back down! Say the words Darth! lol
That means they have two faces, personality disorder. Why would I take in consideration such things?
Everyone has already multiple faces imo. Some things you say in public, some not. Some things you only say as anon, some you don't mind posting under your nym.
Everyone has already multiple faces imo.
Yes, but those are only 2: public and private. Not multiple faces in public. Only politicians have that.
DarthCoin is a public face, to protect the private one. My private face is another one. But the private one NEVER comes online, it just stays in private, at home and/or in his private life.
Think about this:
  • you go to work, to an office and you dress accordingly and wear a specific hat. All for public image and use.
  • you came home and undress those clothes and hat and put your warm home clothes. You come back to your REAL you, the PRIVATE one.
This is the problem nowadays, people cannot make the difference anymore between public and private. All start by reading this excellent blog - to understand these aspects.
If I came as anon and reply to you a specific thing, then somebody else come also as anon and reply to you with another POV, then what is the point in having POV as anon ? Will be a mess, nobody understands nothing and MOST important - manipulators could do their game, spreading all around lies, FUD, misinformation etc
Do not think that we do not have infiltrators on SN...
lol, already any post or reply from @anon is most likely a different person. Again, this PR doesn't change that. It makes it easier yes, because the UX around @anon currently sucks. I want to see more hot takes from @anon. Some things just need to be said.
then what is the point in having POV as anon
That you're anon
I think this PR is mostly for you and other SN devs. Is understandable and I have nothing against. What I was trying to say is that now more spammers saw this and will try to take advantage of it... a pandora's box. We will see.
What I was trying to say is that now more spammers saw this and will try to take advantage of it... a pandora's box.
I don't see how this leads to more spam
I don't think people were hold back by not being able to switch nyms or to @anon easily.
You had my warning.
But no explanation, lol
Plz Darth me dumb, plz help
Ok now I am just messing around :)
We could make a conditional prediction market out of this!
But we currently can't even make a normal prediction market, so... Fun times ahead!
You are making spammers life easier, with posting this on SN, publicly. You were better keeping this feature only for SN devs or at least for other accounts that you know them and they are using it for specific tasks (posting jobs, ads etc) and also having personal nyms. That is totally understandable and useful, no doubt.
Now spammers will try to use it in their advantage, you will see.
We are anon
I never take anything in consideration what anon says.
there was nothing to be considered here