I have heard 1M sats from a couple of sources… wondering if that still holds true.
Purpose for sats: cold storage for at least 10 years.
Scenario A:
In 10 years you will be forced to use them anyways, because fiat will just die. So you better prepare from now your LN channels and shit. Read more here: #278285
Just holding and wait a celestial sign is NOT enough. Start NOW, building those Bitcoin circular economies until is not too late: https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/how-bitcoin-will-save-the-world
Scenario B:
In 10 years people will give up and use only CBDC, because this is (stupid) people, they do not want to use their BTC, but CBDC and shit. So BTC will be used only on underground markets, using OpenDimes, load up with denominations of 10k - 100k - 1M sats each. So you better stockpile from now a bunch of kilos of OpenDimes. BTW, forget about using internet. That services will be allowed only by those with full social credits from their CBDC... that's why opendimes... offline.
I would like to propose Scenario C: open dime funds, locked away in a citadel far-far away, and the funds are also locked on a higher transaction level of some sort, used by plebs connected on a local mesh network. may have to travel by foot very far to connect to the mesh networks, but that is OK, we were given legs by the creator.
but yeah, no easy access to the global satellite internet would make it a very adventurous world.