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yes, all feedback is appreciated!
one thing to keep in mind is that this landing page will specifically be targeted for people who might never have found Stacker News through the typical Lightning chatter on the internet.
imagine people who are Bitcoin-adjacent or just general early tech adopters who haven’t ever used Bitcoin.
Should say forget likes, stack sats. Also, I would recommend not using the terminology "get paid". "get rewarded" maybe.
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If you’re feeling poetic:
  1. Daily chats, earn your sats
  2. Share ideas, paid from peers
  3. Earn in sats, for unique chats
  4. Post a link, earn a drink
  5. Post something new, bitcoin for you
  6. Earn Bitcoin, for discussions you join
  7. Share a link, get paid in a blink
  8. Receive a Zap, for news ASAP
  9. Post a story, for magic money
  10. Pocket money for rocket stories
  11. Magic money, by being funny
  12. Make a post, earn the most
Anyone got any faves?
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Haha yeah, not quite good enough to be from a bot. Thought didn’t even cross my mind 😄
Can definitely confirm those are a few minutes I won’t see back again
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I know this isn't your legal alley @siggy47 but could they potentially run into any legal issues by suggesting users are getting "paid" to post?
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one thing to consider is that outside of our Lightning community basically nobody knows what sats are
I think this is why the word ‘Zap’ is important.
  1. I asked someone “do you know what the word zap means?” and she couldn’t answer.
  2. Then I asked what do you think of when I say “Zap your friends” she instantly said “send them money”. But couldn’t articulate why, besides saying it is definitely not anything bad. It was the only reasonable explanation because there’s no other context that fits.
I believe this is something we can lean into more. Having a catchy word or verb to grab attention sometimes adds a) intrigue, b) a mysterious hook and c) sometimes people get the connotation without needing to have had any prior exposure to the word.
Hopefully you can do some more user testing like this to confirm which catchy tagline is best.
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Top of funnel marketing stuff doesn’t dictate what’s further down the funnel. It just helps get people interested in moving down the funnel at all.
Bitcoin’s top of funnel is NGU even if we’d all argue there are other reasons to be excited about bitcoin.
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Would you mind elaborating on that recommendation without straying too far in your reasoning? Why is using "make money" bad - specifically?
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