The Power of Words

Words contain “spelling”.

The systemic and repeated use of servile words conditions a population to accept and practice servile behaviour. We the People are taught to “submit”, “petition”, and to “appeal” to our Public Servants. We are not taught the critical difference between a “person” and a “man” or “woman”. Nor are we taught that the “Law of the Sea” refers only to legal fictions in Admiralty Maritime Jurisdiction – serving commerce, while the “Law of the Land” refers to lawful facts in the Common Law Jurisdiction – serving men and women. Trick words include “person” (the definition of “person” was changed to mean “corporation” in 1862), “understand” (“do you understand?” means “stand under my authority”), and “public” (all things “public” are of the State, including its artificial creations). Some of the most powerful words for living people are “man”, “woman”, “consent”, “private”, “property”, “administer”, “notice”, “require”, “verify”, “claim”, “trespass”, “injury”, “remedy”, “restoration”, “damages”, and “charge”. For example, a woman's children were seized by the court. She subsequently went to an “administrative court”, reclaiming her children, by stating: “I, a woman, believe that my property is being administered without my consent, and I require the immediate restoration of said property or I will be charging a dollar per second until the remedy is given.” Note: She never used the word "children", and would have lost if she did. She used her given first name only in court documents, and if asked for her full name would add “family of” as in “Jane: family of Smith”. Your “property” is everything that comes from your energy. The powerful words she used were “woman”, “property”, “administered”, “consent”, “require”, “restoration”, “charging”, and “remedy”. Learning key words and phrases is essential if you wish to establish your living “standing” as a “man” or “woman” possessing unalienable rights.
Interesting read.
Learning key words and phrases is essential if you wish to establish your living “standing” as a “man” or “woman” possessing unalienable rights.
Very important this.