There's a video on the Tesla YouTube channel that only demonstrates the vehicle's resistance to sub-sonic bullet impact. Lol. Possibly helping to keep you alive in the event that everything goes to hell is one of the main selling points.
The first gen of this model doesn't even have the 500mi range that was initially advertised and it's double the price. Elon fans and doomsday preppers will be the core customers.
I just want to know if you can BIP the windows... can it survive SF??? lol
lol SF is the real doomsday test
I believe internal combustion engines would be more reliable in the end times. How are people going to keep these things charged?
If getting electricity will be an issue, so will gasoline & diesel. At least with solar, you could stack panels in the truck bed and find a safe place to charge for a while perhaps. Need an inverter and all that. Reminds me of what Matt Damon had to do in the Martian.
Will you be refining your own oil into gasoline in an apocalypse? More likely you'll stumble on some working solar panels.
In worst case ICE can be powered by gas generator, using firewood, if needed. It was popular for civilian cars in a lot of places during WWII due to fuel shortages.
I don't think doomsday preppers will bite in mass though. This isn't a $100 Patagonian vest you wear to make people think you're outdoorsy.
The closest thing I can think of is the Patagonia vest of cars: Subaru. Do people want to signal, in a socially similar way, they're a prepper though?
en masse
Oh thanks! Til