He wrote Rich Dad Poor Dad which is a good book with many good lessons. That said I agree with Darth. Many people that say/do things I disagree with have things of value to say or have said things of value. I put him in this group.
If we only listen to those who we agree with 100% of the time we are going to be ignorant and alone. I don't even agree with myself over time. I've thought and said many things in the past that I now disagree with. We are all human. Don't sweat it.
One bit of advice I love from Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules for Life is to enter relationships with the attitude that I can learn something from them. Even if you disagree or think they are inferior. I've found this to be true. Even if it is that I learn why they believe something. Or why they are wrong.
No, the quote is good in its essence. Just that the guy is using it to manipulate his audience. He have a large number of dumb followers...
Just follow the money around him and you will see what he's doing.