Ah, hehe, yes, this might be the case :)
Next time, I'll announce when I'm taking a break from interacting with people on SN. Even though it feels too much like I think I'm so important, I need to announce my break, lol
Maybe @nemo should also announce their breaks! :)
If I were you, I would feel profoundly flattered that people a) noticed you were gone, and b) cared.
It was one of the handful of things that have happened recently that made me think: maybe this really is the sprout of a real community, and not just bunch of people blathering about bitcoin.
If I were you, I would feel profoundly flattered that people a) noticed you were gone, and b) cared.
Ooooh, believe me, I was. I was soo much, I again spinned it to make myself bad because I just disappeared without telling anyone because I thought "No one is going to care anyway. Or at least after a few days. And that's good. I don't even want them to care, that's the whole point of disappearing, no? That you literally disappear without leaving any trace?"
One of my other 76841 biggest problems is definitely that I don't know how to show my feelings to other people so I rather just ... I don't know. Not say anything? lol
Believe me, the past days have been crazy with me disappearing, releasing the PM, releasing territories, intervened with lots of personal stuff (I may finally found a climbing buddy after 3 years, completely by chance, ...)
If I ever feel confident enough to talk about myself publicly (without exposing too much PII?), I may make a blog post about my journey in life one day :)
I feel like the up's are getting higher and higher... but at the same time, the down's are getting much more surprising in return. Maybe not necessarily lower, but the surprise is what makes them so bad.
(oof, did I already overshare?)
(oof, did I already overshare?)
Haha, it's okay amigo, you're in a safe territory :)
If I ever feel confident enough to talk about myself publicly (without exposing too much PII?), I may make a blog post about my journey in life one day :)
Many of us will be excited when it arrives.
Many of us will be excited when it arrives.
And one (big?) part in this post will be how I am not sure if that's what I want in life.
Sometimes, you just want to be a @nemo, you know? lol
lmao, except the part where people continuously mention you because you were so funny and they really miss you
Yeah, it's a mixed bag. There's something lost when you're known and part of something, but way more is gained. But you can ease into it, the internet is good that way.
It's basically another variant of the reputation conversation I was having with somebody on SN recently and cannot unearth now.
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Being known. Being able to grow relationships that depend, in part, on shared history, on people knowing what you're about. The stuff that civilization and our primate brains are built on.
I thought about this some more.
It was more or less an accident since I was just daydreaming and then I thought about how a blog post is a very long and complex search query to find fascinating people.
That in and of itself is no surprise since this might have been the best blog post I have ever read so I've been thinking about this one a lot. But this time, I thought about it after I had this discussion with you. Where I basically told you how I don't want people to be interested in me - at least sometimes.
I still remember how I felt the true potential of an own blog after I read this post. So far I only thought of it as my own space in the internet. Where I can share whatever I want, in as much details as I want so I can learn as much as I want at the same time and anyone who is interested can show up and simply send sats or/and leave comments. So I can potentially learn even more since I may never get the perspective that some random person immediately has on some things. That already sounded pretty good.
But using blog posts as a way to establish relationships? To get to know people? To not only read single comments from randoms who then disappear into the void, never to be seen again? But actually have a consistent audience?
To grow relationships that depend, in part, on shared history, on people knowing what you're about. The stuff that civilization and our primate brains are built on.
And thanks to SN, I already had access to such an audience, I just didn't realize it yet. Before I read that post, SN was just a way for me to say that I am done with this post now since if you never publish a blog post, are you ever done?
The best part though was that I already started to write blog posts when I read that post. So I already got a taste of how fulfilling it can be to write down stuff that you learned and then someone might comment on it. Even if it's literally just "why didn't you use nftables"; in some way completely diminishing my efforts to explain the fundamentals of iptables as well as I could, lol. But humans are going to be humans, right? I just found it funny and it was indeed a legit question. :)
And it also immediately showed the point about different perspectives. I was so focused on understanding iptables with its flow of chains etc. that I just completely forgot that nftables existed and then this person shows up and reminds me :)
But I think I am losing track here (I am also writing this comment for quite a while now, lol). What I want to say is that I seem to have no problem sharing and discussing stuff that I am interested in. But how dare someone be interested in me!
But I guess it's related to my fear of sharing too much information about me and regretting it one day. Online as well as offline. Even though online it might be for other reasons than offline.
But to be honest, I think I realized, I would regret sharing too little, too. Indeed, I have been regretting it my whole life already, lol
So the natural choice is to pick the thing that I will regret less in the long run :)
And I think you nailed it here:
Being a transient rando on the internet as ephemeral as a sprouted dandelion is good opsec, but an intolerable way to live for almost everyone.
So thank you very much for the discussion, and also for the link to the blog post since turns out, that one was from you, too, lol
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See reply above. Being a transient rando on the internet as ephemeral as a sprouted dandelion is good opsec, but an intolerable way to live for almost everyone.
Maybe get @elvismercury to officially announce that you've left the building?
I could be like that "Are you rrrrrrready?" guy, except in reverse.
Side note: how much dough has that son of a bitch made by just being famous for saying that one dumb thing? Amazing. It's like Western Civilization distilled into a single example.
I'm tempted to make an are_you_rrrrrrready territory, but the joke isn't worth 100k sats.
Status: On and off relationship with being active on SN, lol :) last updated at Sat Dec 9 06:05:54 PM CET 2023
i see.
I realized that lately, I have been commenting (again...) too much :)
I consider the incoming scarcity of my comments a sign that my comments may actually contain some value, lol :)
So I will try to only respond to comments now where I feel like I actually indeed have something to say that is worth the time it takes me to write it.
For example: do you want a lot of comments like this or a few comments like this? :)
but doesn't matter what you want actually. i have already decided for myself, lol :)