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Extreme skeptic? Moderate skeptic? 'It's-ALL-a-distraction'? Interested Observer? Believer? Literal Alien?
Please feel free to share your journey with this topic over the years.
  • Has your view evolved, or has it remained the same?
  • How do you think Bitcoin is/would be viewed by beings not of this Earth?
  • If you don't believe in aliens, do you think at the very least, the USG is involved in hiding free energy technology?
  • Could bitcoin + free energy combined be what's needed to fix our world?
I'm quite sure there's a there there, but I'm quite unsure the nature of the there therein...
When I heard about them for the first time is when I was a child, I saw some video circulating on the internet and it caught my attention, so much so that I opened an extinct blog of ufo sightings in blogspot, my vision of them has been evolving, and now I am more believer than ever regarding this field, it has always been something that has fascinated me.
it's truly demonic activity
Demonic in what way?
And what percentage do you think is demonic, 100%?
I think the phenomena is real. What the f*** it is, who knows?
The movie ET when I was a kid. Still one of my all time favorites. As a being that identifies as an ET, I have to say, I am a fan, and offended when people are unaware of my existence.
  • if they exist - aliens don't really care about our government statutes, that's for sure. they definitely have rules of their own, allowing them to cooperate and avoid violence. we as individuals should adopt the same rules, or else aliens won't cooperate with us during an encounter. who would deal with confused & scared psychopaths?
  • energy is not free - concentration of thought and willpower is required in order to extract the higher forms of energy. thank god for bitcoin, because it buys us time to think more clearly and helps us see thru the lies more easily.
  • for now i am most interested in the term "sovereign non-resident alien" - how to traverse the earth, waters, and skies under my own emblem for my own body.
"sovereign non-resident alien"
I like this.
aliens don't really care about our government statutes
Agreed, they're likely more interested in how we treat each other and the other beings on Earth, and Earth itself.
My vision has changed since I became interested in aliens, I looked at them with fascination and with an aura of mystery, now I am so sure that they are probably real that they do not fascinate me so much, but I firmly believe that they are among us.
What do you think is the cause of your interest in them decreasing, as your surety increases?
For myself, I went down the bitcoin rabbithole before the UFO rabbithole. I think they are linked more than people realize and I believe the two topics are the most important topics of our time.
That said, I think turning more UFO people into bitcoiners is far more important than telling bitcoiners about aliens and UFOs. But I'm trying to strike a balance I guess.
Yes, I also believe that they have points in common, my interest waned because I got stuffed with UFO and extraterrestrial content, and I researched too much at the time, I don't feel the same curiosity as before, especially when I started to be interested, logically, in addition to being 10 years old at that time.
My belief has been reinforced by everything I have researched, it would be very cynical of me to simply say that they do not exist when there is so much evidence to the contrary.
The first time I heard about aliens was watching that episode of The Simpsons where Mr burns wanders to the woods with a nightgown or playing Destroy All Humans (not sure which first). I didn't care at first, but later on in my 10 or 11 I began to listen to mysteries and conspiracies often, wondering what's the matter with them. They could be studying or using us or waiting for something to happen. Although Hollywood abused our imagination about this topic who knows what is the true nature and purpose of these beings?
Thanks for sharing.
I remember my parents talking about Chariots of the Gods by Daniken in the early seventies, I know that was before we moved in 76 at least, think they might have gotten it when it was published in maybe 68?
Later I read it of course, maybe around 82, and proceeded to read or even buy anything he wrote until maybe 86 or so when I had the misfortune of reading some debunking BS...
So I guess the mental model of having ETs flying around there has always been with me, although I put it away for many years as a compromise with the Beast Machine.
Even after going through the whole 9/11 hoax maybe a decade ago I didn't really get into the UFO stuff until it became bloody obvious that something is going on a couple of years ago.
And now? When soooo many people have risked everything getting out there with stories that match? I have no doubt any longer...
The Phenomenon is real, and also has aspects that seem very mysterious to us, unless you factor in mind as a central agent in almost anything. Then it gets even plausible, although hard to fathom in a purely mechanistic way of course!
Its sooo much better to reside here in South East Asia, when I talk about these things with my wife we pretty much agree, including the Buddhist universe that always has taken all sorts of beings as natural :-)
Are they good or bad? Perhaps both is natural? Either way intuition will lead the way if you let it, when it comes to decisions like that IMO...
Thank you for sharing...I'm a bit late hah!
Finally getting around to Chariots of the Gods. Found a copy of the documentary, and the book, heard about it forever.
I first heard about them as a child from my mother. I was pretty much raised to always look to the sky. I think there is a lot of confusion on aliens, some good, some bad? Inter-dimensional? Spiritual entities? I have not fully made up my mind as to what constitutes an alien, but I can tell you whatever they are, they are real!
You're right, there's a lot of confusion around the word "alien." I like the word but I think Non-Human Intelligence (NHI) is a better descriptor these days.
Had your mother seen anything strange in the sky?
Oh yes, many many times. It was a common occurrence, and still happens from time to time now. I had an 'abduction' type of experience in the spring of 2018. I do not have a lot of memories after losing consciousness. Prior to that, we had come home late one night, at the time we had lived in the middle of the woods (typical I know). There was an all black brand new truck blocking this very remote road. My husband told me not to look at them, but I couldn't help it, I did. A man was just sitting in it, all lights were off, I could see he was dressed in all black and had a type of head light on his head. We proceeded to drive around him nearly having to go in the ditch. I was pretty freaked out, but my husband just focused on getting inside. He told me not to focus on it and go to sleep. I fell asleep and woke up to a very bright light blinding me, and then I was out. I woke up the next day feeling like someone had beat me with a sock full of soap. I felt sort of sick. I have no idea honestly what happened, but the symptoms went along with an 'abduction' symptom...Not enjoyable.
Thanks for sharing. Did your husband have any of the same symptoms?
Well, he got mad and said 'fuck the fuck off'. He doesn't remember anything in particular except he said he felt 'crappy' the next day.
I think I am believing more they have always been here as entities or demons.
Where do you think humans fit in?
When I was a kid I fully believed in Aliens, superstitions, etc.
After learning about the Scientific Method my reality changed dramatically.
I was finally more sure about things, and less worried or scared of unknown things.
Now, the universe is a vast place. I'm not saying there aren't aliens. But, they most probably be completely different to what the movies have shown us. They might even be made of completely different building blocks of life as we know on Earth.
And we humans are very limited in our perception, we can't even see the light from the TV remote, or the WiFi signals, we only see a very narrow band in the EM spectrum. People assume we will just see an alien with the naked eyes.
So what do you make of the phenomenon as a whole? Are you in the all-a-disctraction/psyop crowd?
But, they most probably be completely different to what the movies have shown us. People assume we will just see an alien with the naked eyes.
Absolutely agree, the truth of the phenomenon will be 100x stranger than we thought. We barely see anything. https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-06f7b89fd2434614361ef6ef12f03190
If people in the US are looking at flying things then I think they are secret military aircraft from other countries, or of course some weird reflection, etc.
It doesn't make sense to me that an Alien device would travel say, at the speed of light, and then change and operate and look more like a device from Earth, just slightly more advanced.
If aliens come here, they will be absolutely different. Not even in the same league as humans.
Never thought about that, this opens more questions than answers.
My history with the topic is a back and forth from believer to skeptic a few times in my life. It wasn't until a few months ago when my own internal probability meter of whether there is something to all of this finally reached "more likely than not".
Listening to Eric Weinstein, watching the UAP hearing seeing the investigation behind the MH370 videos unfold in real time, this all made me dive deeper.
That's interesting. I had the opposite reaction to those hearings. Reading In Plain Sight definitely led me to believe that something odd is going on. I'm still not sure where to rank aliens on the list of possible explanations though.
I'm still not sure where to rank aliens on the list of possible explanations though.
Agreed, if I had to guess, maybe it's something like
  • 90% misidentifying
  • 9% advanced man-made tech
  • 1% actual NHI
I'd add "Intentional psyop" to the list, although perhaps that falls under "misidentifying". Plus, it's not like just one of these is the explanation. Taking the incidents case by case, some of these explanations are more likely than others.
What sustains my interest in the topic is that there is no plausible explanation (that I've seen) that accounts for the full set of documented incidents.
You're right, psyop should be separate from "mis-ID", something like 25% probably as well.