All statutes, codes, rules, regulations, and so-called "laws" are business contracts written by your government that require your fully informed consent. Any state document that requires a signature is a consent contract. If you do not consent to a legal contract, it does not apply to you. Any attempt to make you consent against your will is "coercion." Any threat to make you "sign" a contract to obtain your property is "coercion" for the purpose of "extortion" whether or not that property, like money, is obtained. An "artificial person" is a fictitious creation of the State and is therefore controlled by the State. The legal "natural person" is the NAME owned by the government, employee, servant, franchise, debtor, liability guarantee, obliged to comply with the government statutes (acts, bills, regulations and legislative instruments), which are the "terms and conditions" of that "state". Joining: When a man or woman "acts" in the "role" of an "artificial person" they are an "accommodating party" that invokes "joining" to that "artificial person". They are "acting" in a fictitious person. Their jurisdiction changes to that of an "artificial person" and therefore they are subject to the Statutes that control "artificial persons".
fun read from last night
the world you live in operates like this: "we've tricked you into contracting with us. You can leave fairly easily and anytime you want. But look at all the scary things in the world (that we create). Don't you want protection? Aren't you scared? You should be. You consent to receive our help under no duress by our direct hands. That makes you willingly contracted. You contract with us and we represent the devil. We are the agent of the devil. Thus via us, you are contracted with the devil. The less you are fully aware of all this, the better. We will only let you partially know, that way we can defend ourselves by saying we were transparent and that you did have some knowledge of what was going on. We are chaos. Chaos is necessary as it balances and motivates the world. We want to eat you and we believe eventually not only will we be able to, but you will beg us to do so. From chaos comes order... our order that we place and define that you will beg to accept.”
you are lifting the veil
LOL that was some time ago, when I wrote that using the telegram notepad.... Nice find man!
"Legal" is whatever the state chooses not to punish you for. All the rest of that stuff is fictional niceties. The state decides whether or not you consented and their definition of consent may not conform to reality.
And WHO is the State to decide for me, the living man? States can "talk" only with dead bodies, vessels, corporations, not with living men.
The state is a group of people who claim the right to kill you over refusing to pay a parking ticket.
If you put yourself under their jurisdiction, yes. You get what you fucking deserve... But I don't. And I do not pay anymore any tickets.
That's why you're an example to us all.
really? I think people hate me a lot. But is OK, I am happier then many. Because I found the truth.
We can hate you and appreciate the example you're creating for us at the same time. ;)
Wich one, the state or the State? Those are two very different creatures. eg The state of Texas is a republic, The Republic of Texas; whereas The State of Texas is a corporation, located in U.S., located in D.C. The first one has nationals, the second has citizens.
"The State" is any organization claiming and exercising a monopoly on initiatory violence over a given territory. All those other words are nice sounding concepts that they choose whether of not to honor.
the US only claims DC and the territories. Why the hell are all the other americans obeying then? ;)
The US claims much more than that. You're interpreting the situation too legalistically. People in power don't care about what's written where, unless they think ignoring it is impractical.
They make you think they are in power, in fact they are in office. It's the "reverse trust scam", fear is the mind killer They are our little bitc..., khm servats And all they do is obeying peoples requests, nobody is holding a gun to your head when you identify as citizen
Good luck with the whole "you work for me" thing if you are ever at cross purposes with the regime. It's not true in any sense. They don't believe it and they will not act as though they believe it. You'll get farther thinking of them as a criminal enterprise and acting accordingly.
I'm not saying they are not criminal. I'm saying they do everything by the law. Ignorance of the law is no excuse is a maxim in law