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Follow these 4 simple rules on how to work your lower abs. Don't get stuck with a 4 pack abs, instead work on getting the full washboard. But if your lower abs isn't ready yet, chances are it's because of one area and one area only:
We understand. For whatever reason, it always seems like the hardest part to lean out is that abdominal area just below the belly button.
But you can’t complete the six-pack and get that abdominal V-line by using the same exercises as before or just cranking up your cardio.
How to Work Your Lower Abs? You need a different approach. Follow these 4 simple rules and you'll get your lower abs to show just in time for a beach season six-pack.
  1. Drop Your Calorie Intake By 500
You’ll never see your lower abs if you’re carrying too much body fat. Your mid-section will always be hidden behind a layer of fat, regardless of how many core exercises you do. To truly get that V-line to show, you need to get lean.
The best way to drop fat is to create a caloric deficit: eat fewer calories than you burn per day. Use a food journal for just a few days to track exactly how many calories you’re consuming.
Then, reduce your caloric intake by 500 calories per day—that should be enough to boost your fat loss and melt the fat around your mid-section (and everywhere else, too). Every two to three weeks, measure your body fat to make sure you’re moving in the right direction.
  1. Boost Your Testosterone With Heavy, Compound Exercises
Research suggests that a disproportionate amount of body fat around your lower abdomen could be related to low testosterone levels.
But to boost your body’s natural testosterone production, bicep curls and calf raises won’t cut it; you need heavy, total-body lifts to stimulate a lot of muscle growth and unleash a massive hormonal response.
Heavy strength exercises also speed up your fat loss, which will reveal your lower abs faster.
Fill your workout with lots of heavy squats, deadlifts, lunges, barbell presses (bench or military), and heavy rows.
Target between 4 – 8 repetitions for 3 – 5 sets and go as heavy as you can while using flawless form.
  1. Limit Your Carbs To Workout Days Only
Starchy carbohydrates like rice and potatoes can actually be great when leaning out—if you eat them at the right times, that is. By saving your carbs for the days you hammer your muscles with heavy, complex exercises, you’ll ensure that your body is using that energy specifically for recovery and muscle growth.
Completely eliminating carbs from your diet, however, will work against you. Carbs give you the fuel you need to build muscle, melt fat, and target your abs; without them, your performance in the gym will suffer.
  1. Do The Right Core Exercises
To get serious definition at your lower abs, you still need direct ab exercises. But not every core exercise emphasizes your lower abs—some focus on your obliques while others isolate just the top part.
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