There are few things more depressing in life than when you're the old guy who gets offered a seat on a bus or train. I'd rather stand. Of course, I appreciate the gesture, so I show gratitude.
From now on I'll forego offering my seat, just in case the old person happens to be you.
I'm the bent over guy with the long white beard and the cane.
Alright, no seats for anyone matching that description, out of respect.
47 for the number of hip replacements I take it
Oh, damn. I forgot about that last one. Gotta change my nym
Of course, I appreciate the gesture, so I show gratitude.
I recommend a dose of more toxicness @siggy47
Just show the next person offering you a seat this comment of yours, lol :)
Or did I understand your comment wrong? With gratitude, do you mean you accept and sit down or only show gratitude and keep standing?
I thank them and tell them I have a stiff back so I prefer to stand. The truth is that I DO prefer to stand, but not because of my back. I'm sure there will come a time when I sit.