This is why I am apprehensive about having betting on the sports sub. Even if it's peer to peer. I would never want to put the SN team in a position where they could get into legal hot water. I don't think the FBI is breaking down the doors because of a football pool but I think we need to be mindful we don't cross any lines as things grow.
And no I am not being a statist cuck. I am just trying to be conscientious and respectful of the SN team. I know we all hate big bad google and all recognize their mantra "do no harm" was just an empty platitude but as territory founders we should aim to promote a culture of "do no harm" to the broader SN site in our territories.
This message will self destruct in....
This message will self destruct in....
The solution is not to be scared shit... The solution is to CONFRONT evertything. You build a house openly not by hiding...
That was a joke I am not actually self destructing the message sir
good. At least you learn something. FUCK'EM'ALL
You build a house openly not by hiding...
Absolutely right. I really was reluctant about posting about this at all, hoping I wasn't doing more harm than good.
BTW, thanks but unnecessary :)
I have thought about your situation more than you might imagine. Very wise red line with pools. The government mafia will protect their turf.