I also don't believe that climate change isn't real or isn't mainly caused by humans.
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double double negatives :). So you believe in anthropomorphic climate change. I would argue that not believing that isn't a conspiracy theory. Saying there is are arterial motives is though.
The thing I can't get past is believing that the politicians claiming to believe and caring about it actual do believe it. They don't. They all seem to be phonies to me. I don't buy that they buy it. But that's pretty much the case across the board for politicians. They believe in getting votes and power. Every solution to climate change involves giving douchbags more power and taking away the freedom of plebs. Often plebs in developing nations that are being robbed of the blessings of free markets that have made the west prosperous.
I also don't buy that anyone knows how much human activity is contributing to climate change. Or even if it is in-fact a net negative for humanity. I am all for reducing pollution and farming and living in a more sustainable way though. I share many of the same goals and methods with those I disagree with. Its frustrating how polarized it all is.
Like other issues if you don't buy the full narrative your labeled a slur and written off. Its anti science and anti intellectual. This also contributes to my skepticism. Regenerative farming practices and responsible use of resources are things everyone should be in favor of. Both of these problems are largely coming from fiat excesses. Short time preference. Like the food supply farming has been driven into its direction by chemical companies and the many products they produce to make things faster and cheaper but the long term affects are negative.
I fully agree with all you said, especially this:
The thing I can't get past is believing that the politicians claiming to believe and caring about it actual do believe it. They don't. They all seem to be phonies to me. I don't buy that they buy it. But that's pretty much the case across the board for politicians. They believe in getting votes and power. Every solution to climate change involves giving douchbags more power and taking away the freedom of plebs. Often plebs in developing nations that are being robbed of the blessings of free markets that have made the west prosperous.
Thanks for writing out what I was too lazy for, lol
And regarding this:
So you believe in anthropomorphic climate change. I would argue that not believe that isn't a conspiracy theory. Saying there is so arterial motive is though.
Also good point. It's sometimes hard to even know what people are discussing. Seems like most of the times, they are just talking past each other and not really listening to the other person. This goes back to the nuances we mentioned in another comment thread here.
I recall early on during Covid when I was somewhat concerned about it. I remember realizing the politicians in my state were really concerned. Then a few weeks later it became clear they were no longer concerned but were faking it. Then a few weeks later we had proof. Newsom was sighted at one of his restaurants without a mask breaking his own rules. There were many such cases. I don't trust liars. I don't trust hypocrites. I do my own research. I've spent way to much time listening to politicians and silicon valley spin so I have a finely tuned BS detector.
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Yep, people talk past each other all the time. One thing I have learned is to try to understand the meanings of words. Not what I think they mean but what they think they mean. Sometimes you actually agree but are using different word meanings.
Also many people don't want to listen. They aren't interested in learning from others but just flapping their gums. Usually these people are just parrots though.