Oh wait, whaaaat? 😅 I was wrong, thank goodness u survived the fall
I predict that you're going to need a higher posting fee.
lol, it's not even been 24 hours and people are already posting stuff in ~crypto assuming it's about cryptocurrencies or crypto ETFs, lol
I am glad I didn't bet against, haha (I was about to)
Do you think it will be a real cryptography territory, or was it a sacrificial claim to prevent an altcoin territory? ~shitcoins is still available
Do you think it will be a real cryptography territory
or was it a sacrificial claim to prevent an altcoin territory?
Was more about being serious that people should see "crypto" as "cryptography" again and not as "cryptocurrencies". However, I already founded ~oracle and ~security, so I wasn't sure if I could keep another territory up and alive by posting stuff. But I think this is a goal worth trying. And I realized I do have quite some stuff that I read about ~crypto over the years that is worth sharing on SN.
So I am going to unleash all my knowledge about ~crypto (and ~security) over time here, one post at a time, hoping other will chime in :)
I talked about some of the EFF stuff you posted here. I love this history.
hahaha, this could be funny.