Hey stackers! Today I would like propose to the SN team a new feature that could be implemented in order to incentivize cowboys, of course I know that it could be controversial, but I would like to know the opinion of the community about it.
It's simple, everything revolves around making more visible the posts that are zapped by cowboys. Several formulas come to my mind to achieve this, here I list several options:
Option 1: Create a new post section including posts that have been zaps by cowboys, the section could be called "top by cowboys" or similar, I think this is the easiest option to implement.
Option 2: Instead of creating a new section, cowboy zaps could have more weight in the top section. For example they could influence 20% more with respect to others that have no or less cowboy zaps.
Option 3: In the previous option all cowboys would have the same weight, however in this one, the visibility power of a post could vary according to the time as a cowboy, i.e., when same amount of sats are zapped by a stacker, a 5-day cowboy and a 50-day cowboy, the latter would have more influence.
Current SN system for daily rewards seems excellent to me, this is just an attempt to encourage the whole community to become cowboys, without affecting to a great extent the users who are not yet cowboys.
I think it is great to fight bots and farmers, on the other hand I also think that if cowboys do not make a responsible use of their power SN could become a digital oligopoly, the opposite of what I think it is now.
Personally I don't know where I stand but I think it is positive to open a debate about it.
Thanks for reading, sat, let us know your ideas!