I don't know what you're getting at. 666 as "number of the beast" seems to be a linguistic construct coming from the Greek language. I fail to see how that bears any significance on a book written in the Arabic culture.
I think it's intellectually dishonest to attach absolute meanings based on local social constructs.
And 6666 is a different number altogether, which might have a different meaning. On top of that, I wasn't actually able to find that exact number anywhere. A more common number I could find by googling randomly was 6236.
666 as "number of the beast" seems to be a linguistic construct coming from the Greek language. I fail to see how that bears any significance on a book written in the Arabic culture.
For people from Arabic culture - insignificant.
For people that know the genesis of 666 and observing them from outside: may be or may be not - significant.
Sorry, there is no intellectual dishonesty here, as you are trying to convince.
And please read again what I have written in previous comment above yet. The "6666" matter (taken from @oraltosun quote, btw) - is only like a dotting the "i" here, the final touch.
I still fail to see what your thesis is. That the entirety of Islam is the work of the Devil? Or that its purpose is to deny Jesus' significance?
Personally, I pay attention to people's actions much more than to their justifications and beliefs. So for me all this numerology or bickering over which two-millenia-old piece of paper is a more accurate record of history, is mostly irrelevant.
You misunderstood. The Quran is not a history book. What I mean is that the Quran has been preserved unchanged since the first moment. And For us, all people are equal. Based on this, all prophets are equally valuable. Saying that Jesus might not have been murdered does not mean devaluing him.
Saying that Jesus might not have been murdered - and saying that despite of so many historical sources confirming this historical fact - does mean devaluing him, because this way Jesus couldn't accomplish his Mission: entering afterlife, defeating Death, resurrecting Himself for the Redemption of mankind.
And this is exactly what Satan would love to hear from everyone. And Muhammad after his first revelation thought it was Satan. (Sira No. 154, Ishaq).
Everything fits like a glove. I'm sorry.
as a side note: Quran 4:158 states that Jesus is not dead and Allah took him up unto himself. But verse 19:33 says that Jesus will die and will be resurrected. It looks like Quran simultaneously says that Jesus died and didn't die...
Anyway, after his first revelation:
"Muhammad thought it was Satan who squeezed him since it tortured him. It was Kahdija his wife who concluded that it was angel Gabriel because it disappeared when she and Muhammad performed sexual acts" [Sira No. 154, Ishaq]. https://silawantribe.com/category/quran/
So, denying of well proven historical fact of Jesus' death by crucifixion, while it was well confirmed by so many historical sources and so many independent and unfriendly to Christians witnesses - is the obvious and perfect way to deny the further consequences (Jesus entered afterlife, defeated Death, resurrected Himself)
Now painful, but pure logic: Muhammad was right and Kahdija was wrong.