Saying that Jesus might not have been murdered - and saying that despite of so many historical sources confirming this historical fact - does mean devaluing him, because this way Jesus couldn't accomplish his Mission: entering afterlife, defeating Death, resurrecting Himself for the Redemption of mankind.
And this is exactly what Satan would love to hear from everyone. And Muhammad after his first revelation thought it was Satan. (Sira No. 154, Ishaq).
Everything fits like a glove. I'm sorry.
First of all, Islam accepts and respects all prophets. If it were otherwise, they would not be praised in the Quran. This being the case, how could Muhammad try to belittle Jesus?
I am writing again; According to Islam, all people are equal. Anyone who says otherwise is being arrogant. According to Islam, the only greatest being is Allah.
There's something you should know: All prophets have a single reason for coming. That is, to warn the "good people" in societies steeped in evil and to give them good news. Or they only have to convey the message. That is all. Prophets have no intention of guiding evil-ridden societies to the right path. Jesus' duty was only to preach. He fulfilled his duty and died. On the Day of Judgment, he will be resurrected like every other human being.
Moses had magic talent. Solomon could talk to animals. Jesus could raise the dead and heal diseases. The miracle of Muhammad is the Quran. For this reason, the Quran has never changed, and those who read it with a pure heart and insistently follow the things that are asked to be done there can see the truth if Allah wishes.
Summary: To see the truth, it is necessary to read the book of Allah and come to a decision. Are the words in this book God's words? And is what is written true? Each individual can make this decision himself.
I think you should not rush to decide. First, read the Quran from beginning to end. And while you read, know that this book began to be revealed to a person who had never compromised his honesty in a society steeped in evil at age 40. And since what is written in the book addresses a small minority in that society, it is addressed according to their traditions and examples are given according to the climate.
And many questions will come to your mind. You will find the answers to these questions by reading for yourself. (The key is to read, as it says in the first word of the Quran: "Read!"). There is no religious class in Islam. Unfortunately, like all other religions, Islam was corrupted and imams emerged. Sects emerged. There is only one religion. If you read the Quran you will see; that Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad preached the same religion. The last notification was made by Muhammad, who came more than 600 years after Jesus. And it is stated in the Quran that it is the final message. Almost 1500 years have passed since Muhammad's preaching. There was no new notification.
Conclusion: So leave aside the image of Islam in your mind read the Quran and decide for yourself. Because Islam, like all religions you know, has been corrupted. But only one light source remained on: the Koran. (Muhammad's miracle).
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @jk_14 13 Jan
He fulfilled his duty and died. On the Day of Judgment, he will be resurrected like every other human being.
Quran 4:158 "Allah raised him (Jesus) up (with body and soul) to Himself (in the heavens)"
Q1: Is Jesus alive or dead in the heavens?
if He is alive in the heavens - he obviously won't be resurrected anymore (of course unless he will die again, but Jesus will die in heavens?!)
if He is dead - that's very unlogic that such a big prophet is still dead in heavens and still waiting for Day of Judgment and to be resurrected (resurrected in heavens?) - there is no benefit from being raised up by Allah in the heavens, then
anyway, in both cases: Quran verses regarding this are completely unlogic
Q2: As Jesus will be resurrected like every other human being - how often some other human being is raised up by Allah, then?
I would say that not so much of human beings were raised up in the heavens to be resurrected there in Day of Judgement.
Hi again,
Q1: Every person returns to God when he dies. Since the Qur'an promises a day of reckoning after people die, that is, everyone will be fleshed out again on the day of reckoning, they are not considered dead. In short, no one is considered spiritually dead until the day of reckoning.
Q2: As I wrote above, every human being will be resurrected once. (On the day of reckoning).
This world is the place of testing. Prophets will also be rewarded or punished for their good or bad deeds. However, prophets can be expected to be forgiven for the hardships they have endured.
P. S. Please compose your questions after reading the entire Qur'an. This is because the Qur'an takes this into account and provides people with answers by repeating the questionable issues. The first thing that catches the eye of those who read the Qur'an for the first time is the presence of recurring themes. As a matter of fact, the human brain learns best by repeating.