I haven't gotten my sats yet.
we are talking the same, withdraw out of SN wallet right?
Yes. I just found out they were working in withdraw code. That might explain it.
That's relieving then! I feel strange that it's still pending in the wallet even after the invoice is deleted.
We shipped a fix which will prevent this from happening in the future and fixes any undeleted withdrawals that appear stuck, but it doesn't reverse invoices that are deleted.
If you still have the bolt11 I can manually fix it (and also prevent deletion of pending invoices for future incidents).
We really only need the invoice hash to fix this. Because yours confirmed, we only need to refund you the difference in fees.
do I need to send you the hash so to fix the pending? 👀
I'm fine with the fee but don't like seeing the pending haha
226 sats \ 3 replies \ @k00b 21 Jan
Yes just the invoice hash will be enough for it to stop pending.
there we go! thanks for the help:) bee6bed582859a2bc60b15a4026c2bb5aeaf4790c51e2fbcf97a83d5e4f321e4
I'm really curious about how things work in the backend, but too bad I can't read code yet - I'm constantly amazed by how SN works!