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Calling all stackers!
Leave a comment below to let the SN community know what you're working on this week. It doesn't matter how big or small your project is, or how much progress you've made.
Just share what you're up to, and let the community know if you want any feedback or help.
If you missed last week's thread, here are the updates stackers shared from all their latest work projects.
Want to write about the Bitcoin Situation in Singapore in response to @Bitcoin_Bootcamp’s post about the bitcoin situation in Germany: #396409
@cleaningup12 asked me to share about how parenting in Japan looks like. Looking forward to spilling the beans about my wife’s methods haha
I'm going to try to finish a browser extension I've been working on spare time. It's built on Nostr only a few details missing but those last 10% always takes longer. Then already have a lot of ideas to expand on the extension, so it will be a set of apps on Nostr that will work together.
After finishing the first 90%, don't forget the second 90%. ;)
I finished working on this and started working on a similar themed game.
Continuing to study StartOS. Planning to create a backup, reinstall the OS, and restore from backup as an exercise.
Writing more. To family, for myself, and to practice.
Also I am trying to delegate more at work so I can increase my effort toward a new job search.
...and I'm working on figuring out how to keep my cowboy hat at stacker.news... Is it just for consistent posting? The rules are not clear to me. lol
Ahhhh! Who zapped this but didn't tell me how to get the hat back?!? You're so cruel.
::that super intimidating Liam Neeson meme from Taken::
I got it back! ...no thanks to you, random zapper...
Getting my hands dirty with Wardley Mapping (which I mentioned here, in case you're wondering what it is).
I keep translating/reviewing the Spanish localization of bitcoin.org... While most of it has been translated before, the overall quality is unfortunately quite poor. So I am working hard on a voluntary basis in my free time to improve it as much as I can.
As a professional translator/editor with 20+ years of experience, it's painful to see the low quality of website and app translations in the Bitcoin space, just like most of Open Source projects. This is due to the fact that most of it has been made by amateur translators, working for free and without any supervision. This leads to mistranslations, grammar and spelling errors, wrong terminology, omissions and additions, etc.
People don't realize how important a good translation is to accurately convey a message and reach wide audiences. Recently the use of AI or Machine Translation has improved the overall quality of translations, but it is not a 100% quality tool. You always need a capable human being to understand nuances and try to convey ideas in a creative way.
In an English-centric world, we tend to forget that most of people in this world don't speak English or are not proficient enough. If we want to scale Bitcoin and help other people to understand it, we need good quality translations first and foremost!
My Japanese was once good enough for me to translate Japanese posts into English, so I can relate to your strenuous efforts and pain points!
Million sats question, is Bitcoin masculine or feminine in Spanish?
Funny enough, it's masculine even though "coin" is a femenine word...
Cool! I love learning trivia like this
This week i am in vacation, but next week i will integrate lnurl authentication in my new app.
AutoGen - run a group of open source agents on your own hardware and watch them work together and self coordinate towards the goal you give them. Write and execute code, use tools… 🥳
missed these posts. no particular order:
  • finished the first part of the Pleb Lab tutorials. now I can understand what my dev friends are showing me somewhat.
I should probably start the 2nd part tbh.
  • working on finishing up my seed signer body, printer was down for maintenance.
-studying for my A+ certifications. I know some of this stuff, but it'd be nice to have the paper too.
Week 2 of the Chaincode FOSS program. Constructing and sending a multisig transaction.
Working on Startup Day speaker list more Top Builder stuff with team also some PlebLab admin stuff
I'm sick so hiring, admin, and smallish stuff so far, but I'm hoping to get lnd authwithdraws done this wekk.
lots of writing this week
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