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Are there certain subjects or lines of thought that you know won’t go anywhere good, or you’re just otherwise exhausted from talking about it any longer?
I’m sure @DarthCoin has a long list..
And I know many bitcoiners feel this way about bitcoin talk itself 😅 are you the same way (outside of SN)?
What other lines of conversation (in general) do you have a hard time tolerating? Why do you think that is?
I can’t tolerate conversations about; politics, religion, sport, reality tv and the weather and tend to shake my head and walk away. Any attempt at discussing celebrity will result a kicking. If anyone’s wants to talk to me they are really going to struggle..
politics, religion, sport, reality tv
Exactly this.
Politics, like sports, is usually "my team good, your team sucks," and that's boring to hell. You often see that same pattern with religion too. That said, I don't mind small talk about the weather too break the ice
break the ice
I see what you did there lol
I must admit with sport I actually enjoy learning about ones I am not familiar with. But the whole team trash talk leaves me cold….
yes, yes, yes, yes and yesssss take my zaps
‘So you were wondering if I saw the debate in church after playing sport in the rain? Go away.’
The debate over our favourite Kardashian
I don't enjoy talking politics. It always results in either me self censoring or the loss of a friendship. I can't find a middle ground.
That's how I often feel too, but I blame the other person(s), rather than the topic.
I've had really good conversations about politics with people who hold radically different views, because we were both interested in the ideas.
I avoid any conversation when I sense the person I'm talking to is too close-minded to entertain views other than their own. Then I avoid those people going forward.
the person I'm talking to is too close-minded to entertain views other than their own
That’s rarely a conversation in my experience… just people talking at you.
-Religion/Esoterism -Politics -Vegetarian/carnivore/vegan -Bitcoin -about a team in sport vs other team
We are in a society where we have to debate for anything. All those debates are non sense, if you have an opinion how someone can change it with arguments....it is impossible! The only way that someone change his mind is by experience
What other lines of conversation do you have a hard time tolerating?
About Bitcoin or other topics?
Anything! Hm perhaps I can reword this in the next two minutes lol
“Darling, can I go out and drink with my friends while you take care of my two kids single-handedly? Thanks, I’ll be back before sunrise!”
Is a conversation I dream having with my wife every day but never happens…
…because I’m henpecked lol
Don't need to make it into a conversation. Just leave it at those statements and head out.
Conversation will happen after sunrise. Or not at all. Ever.
You have balls
Do not be mistaken, I'm only that cool and ballsy behind the safety of my keyboard.
My wife may not be Japanese, but she knows how to control her husband.
If your wife is South Korean, they are known to be a feisty bunch lol
There's so much...
  1. Celebrity gossip. Just stupid.
  2. Social media gossip. Why are you even on there?
  3. Doomsday chatter. I've been hearing it for years. If we're all going to die, let's get it over with already — otherwise shut up.
  4. Politics. Only acceptable if something really big happens.
  5. Weather. I'm more interested in my own thoughts than chit chatting about this.
  6. TV shows. The last good TV show was 10 years ago (Breaking Bad) and I have a busy life now.
  7. Fashion. This is a particular trigger because I'm married and my wife does like talking about it 😔
That's enough from the top of my head 🤷
Try Better Call Saul ;)
What other lines of conversation (in general) do you have a hard time tolerating?
Negative conversation and negative thoughts in general.
Why do you think that is?
Because you are always creating your reality through your thoughts and beliefs. Negativity is a choice and I choose to opt out of that.
Politics. Especially with the plebs I work with. Good bunch of guys, but dumb as rocks. But then, I view anyone who even mentions the two-party system as if it's anything but nonsensical propaganda as an imbecile, so I guess I'm pretty extreme with that opinion.
You're not working at Pleblab, are you? ;)
Politics, gossips, TV shows, sports, and hearing complaints without seeing any action.
Talking about other people's private lives makes me feel uncomfortable, so I avoid it as much as possible. With any other topic, I try to understand other people's perspectives and explain my own.
Local and international politics, sports, Hollywood movies.
Trifling ones. This means mainly gossip. Prefer to talk about interesting ideas and sometimes events related to those ideas.
Every conversation
Anything to do with women, amirite? cracks knuckles, leans back in chair boomer-ly
I live on Koh Samui, there are a lot of Israeli families here, some we know as they are parents of kids at the same school as ours. I would never discuss the Israel/Palestine conflict with them, for various reasons.
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