I have always known that too much stress is not a good thing, but I think it was recently that I realised more fully about the detrimental effects of stress. Apparently, excessive stress isn’t good for students with dyslexia because it impairs their ability to remember stuff. So that’s why you avoid calling upon them to read aloud in class. That’s because they will feel so self-conscious and stressed about this “public shaming” that they clam up and shut down. Zero things remembered.
In addition, too much stress may even lead to depression if we bottle up our anguish and fail to find an outlet for them. We find that our negative thoughts consume our entire being - so much so that we lack the energy to do anything else besides lying on the bed. These negative effects are amplified if we are indeed isolated from a supportive tribe which will support us to relieve our stress.
With these negative effects in mind, I’m just wondering about the things Stackers may be doing to alleviate their stresses. It is said that in order to maintain a high EQ, we should aim to clear our forms of stress every day. So what is your greatest source(s) of stress and how do you keep the Stress Monster at bay?