Some houses are completely obscured from the street.
That sounds like the goal!
I once accidentally found out about one poet's house, like wow, so beautifully built ( by himself from what I read ), and literally in the best location, but built in a way that keep the crowds away, I guess that's how you can think and peacefully do your work.
Lesson: let nature make your barriers.
sounds funny! 😂 the new next door neighbor must be quite mad:)? haha
He's a nice guy, but mad, yes. He talks to me at length about the new bush he read about that was "deer resistant. " Landscaping is his hobby. He has actually planted bushes, decided he didn't like them, and ripped them out a month or so later. I have never met anyone like him.
Landscaping is his hobby.
sounds like he can do many fun experiments. 😂
and he can come to share all the tips and tricks to stack sats here.
I talked to him about bitcoin. The conversation didn't get far. He's retired and his ideas about money and investing are narrow and conventional.
curious what retired people normally do? I know some are traveling, some are doing repetitive things and waiting for the kids to come home to see them.
I am really impressed by you and @DarthCoin with many others, still keep learning and sharing; I guess that is what made you stay "young"? like I don't want to be a boring person once I reach certain age, I still want to live life, not waiting to die.
I don't know the answer. I honestly feel like I'm a teenager in my head. I find it hard to believe I'm so old! My body, on the other hand, doesn't always agree.
I also don't feel like I've aged at all, still feeling like a kid. 👀