I love how you're managing the territory. These kind of summary / wrap-up / structure posts are so helpful.
Thanks. It's sort of evolving. I'm trying stuff out to see what works and what doesn't. My bet is that most territories will have something like this eventually, but obviously tailored to the content. For instance, I envision a newsletter for the bitcoin beginners territory that would just focus on scouring the web for one or two of the best new bitcoin learning tools, and maybe a vintage video section highlighting an old Andreas video or something. Unfortunately I don't have the time or energy. Maybe someone will pick up the mantle and earn some sats.
The time requirement is clearly high. This synthesis, more than any other thing, is what I aspire to do, but have thus far not done. I will add you to the list of inspiring SN synthesizers along with @ekzyis.
(Are there others? Who synthesize activity across SN? Obviously this is what @k00b and @Car do every week, I shouldn't except them.)
This seems like a thing that, when modeled, will catch on. So I feel bad about not modeling it. :(