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News Of The Week

Welcome to the second issue of the Books And Articles newsletter. The big news this week is our first writing contest, but we also now have our first blogger (@cryotosensei) and our first poetry submissions. I’ll talk a little bit about that later, but first I want to talk about the contest.
I came up with this idea as a way of promoting the territory. Monthly fees were coming due, so I wanted to generate some interest. I didn’t put much thought into it, nor did I know whether there would be enough engagement to warrant the post. I picked the topic for two reasons: I wanted a prompt that could inspire lots of stackers to enter a submission, and I love reading stories about people’s bitcoin journeys. So, it was a little selfish. In the end, let’s just say it exceeded my expectations.
And now, for the big moment…
The winner of the first Books and Articles Writing Contest is @grayruby !!!!
I am happy to say that the first winning entry was more than worthy. Not only did he have a great story to tell, and not only is he a talented writer, but @grayruby also put the time and effort into crafting his story. It was lengthy so it needed a separate post. I learned something new about Stacker News. Replies have a 10,000 character limit. I will be zapping @grayruby his award, which is a bit skimpy considering the quality of his story- 6199 sats. In this case justice was served, since his separate post did very well in the sats department. Maybe in the future we can find sponsors for the contests.
As for the contest itself, I had a revelation of sorts as the entries rolled in. The replies to the post were all of high quality, and they all told fascinating stories, at least in my opinion. There have been times over the years when I would do a search for “my bitcoin story” or some term like that just to find these stories. I couldn’t get enough of them. Now, they were showing up as replies to the post. I got so caught up thinking about the contest and the territory that I didn’t expect the sheer joy I got from reading everyone’s stories. The contest post with attached replies is now a treasure trove of origin content.
Reading them affected me in a more personal way than I expected. Anyone who’s spent some time on Stacker News knows that I hang around the site more than is probably healthy. I have had an account since the Spring of 2022, and during that time I have gotten to know people here who I consider friends. That’s how I feel, whether it makes sense or not in our nym filled space. Many of those people participated. In some cases their honest, heart felt entries got to me on an emotional level. I’ll limit the sappiness. I am on the verge of embarrassing myself and them. They know who they are.
My Bitcoin Journey
In the newsletter I am going to keep a link to each contest, so there will be an easily accessed way to read these stories. I am also going to create a “My Bitcoin Journey” category, to encourage post length, fleshed out origin stories like @grayruby’s. His will be the first link in the section.
In other news, in addition to @cryotosensei’s new blog, he also posted a poem which had previously been published elsewhere. @plebpoet also posted a previously published poem, accompanied by an analysis by the poet. It made one of the top posts of the week. I recommend that everyone give it a read. I learned a lot from it.
I’m happy to also mention that two more books are being posted to the territory, one chapter at a time. @cleophas is posting “Who Brought The Steak Tartare”, and newcomer @jbschirtzinger posted the first chapter of the book, “The Rogue Scholar.” Links to both can be found in the Books section.
Last, but not least, @cryotosensei is selling a fancied up copy of his children’s book, Happy The Hippo on the ~AGORA territory! Here’s the link.
Well, that’s it for now. I hope I’m not forgetting anything.

Top Five Posts Of The Week

The top post of the week will be forwarded 50% of the zaps earned on that week’s newsletter post. Rankings will be determined using the SN zaprank.
Here are this week’s top posts:

Writing Contests

Stackers’ Blogs

My Bitcoin Journey

Inspired by Writing Contest #1, this is where stacker’s bitcoin origin stories will be posted for easy reference.


Book Reviews

Discussion Posts


None posted yet.


Short Stories

None posted yet.

Past Newsletters

Thanks for providing the necessary direction without being didactic about it. I think your newsletter really provides this delicate balance.
Also intrigued to read how the writing entries impacted you personally. It’s like looking behind the scenes haha
Thanks Siggy. Really glad everyone seemed to enjoy the story and appreciate you putting the contest on. It was a lot of fun. Also loving your weekly newsletter. Good add to your territory.
I think I'll zap today's Stacker Sports post your winner's booty, if that's ok with you?
Sure, whatever is easiest for you.
fwiw i posted an essay a bit ago here ... well its more a summary of an essay...
I'm glad you mentioned this, because I really liked this post, which unfortunately got lost and didn't get much attention for some reason. It also didn't fit into any obvious categories. It is really an essay review, which is an essay. Regardless, it was excellent, and I am going to deem it our first essay in next week's newsletter. Thanks for posting it, and please share more content.
thanks for the kind words <3
Sorry to have missed it. Posted the first comment there - maybe it will start the ball rolling.
Btw I love how you assertively advocated for yourself. It helped me realise that you are new to SN. Welcome n have some welcome sats to play with
thanks king, only noticed the category was empty and thats gotta change.
I love how you're managing the territory. These kind of summary / wrap-up / structure posts are so helpful.
Thanks. It's sort of evolving. I'm trying stuff out to see what works and what doesn't. My bet is that most territories will have something like this eventually, but obviously tailored to the content. For instance, I envision a newsletter for the bitcoin beginners territory that would just focus on scouring the web for one or two of the best new bitcoin learning tools, and maybe a vintage video section highlighting an old Andreas video or something. Unfortunately I don't have the time or energy. Maybe someone will pick up the mantle and earn some sats.
The time requirement is clearly high. This synthesis, more than any other thing, is what I aspire to do, but have thus far not done. I will add you to the list of inspiring SN synthesizers along with @ekzyis.
(Are there others? Who synthesize activity across SN? Obviously this is what @k00b and @Car do every week, I shouldn't except them.)
This seems like a thing that, when modeled, will catch on. So I feel bad about not modeling it. :(
Congrats, @grayruby! That was a great piece.
My bitcoin journey is too close to it's beginning to have written about it, but I look forward to later prompts.
Great stuff and lots of content here. And well done @grayruby !
Thanks for the mention!
Thank you for this collection! Appreciate your work!
Yes yes good please send me
Melancholy Wedgwood by Iris Moon (M.I.T.)
Yes yes good send me please
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.