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Please start reading these guides:
which wallet would you recommend based on your experience and why?
Is not about preferences or favorites... Is about features, functionalities and use cases. Each wallet will have its own use case.
@DarthCoin I found your guides extremely helpful! Thank you! You have done great work sharing your long experience with us.
The whole issue is quite clear to me now. I'm in the first level and the custodial wallets do work well for right now.
Please do not stop only on those 2 guides I shared about wallets. I wrote over 60+ guides about Bitcoin and Lightning Network, use cases, scenarios, how to etc.
All of them on my substack - https://darthcoin.substack.com/s/english/archive?sort=new If you want to see them all by categories I start to copy them here: https://darth-coin.github.io/ (work in progress).
Your bitcoiner life will be much easier after you read them.
you would figure out your own preference by testing @Tef and there's no better guide to read than https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/bitcoin-be-your-own-bank-think-like
I agree.
Yes, I explored a little bit your website. You have done amazing work with these step-by-step guides.
it's like finding the Bitcionlandia map to guide me what's freedom 😎