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I just noticed that all the original SN territories now have a minimum 100 sats posting fee. I'm curious as to how long this has been the case? I tend not to notice this stuff. Also, I'm curious to know whether this was done to cut spammy posts, and, if so, whether it seems to be successful? I do notice an improvement, so maybe it's working.
I'm considering raising minimum posting costs in my territories, so input would be appreciated. I have been hesitant since bitcoin's recent price increase sort of raised the posting fees anyway.
It's been roughly a week. Recent was too noisy. It got less noisy and some low effort posting stopped or moved to other territories. Most high effort posts make well over the posting costs. My default tip for something good is 100 sats.
Yeah, same for me.
It's a good price of admission, we all win in the end as we get better signal-to-noise ratio in those territories.
I wanted to thanks again @kr to light me the light bulb : to avoid to spam to find pertinent articles
And sorry again to all
keep up the good work, more effort tends to give you more sats
I was told that in Bitcoin, prices go down. It was a lie ! heheh I'm ok with anything that helps improving quality and removing spam. I think 100 sats is a good idea. But change it to 50 sats when Bitcoin above 100K... probably in a few days at this rate. :D
But change it to 50 sats when Bitcoin above 100K
Lowering fees isn't against the Rules of Acquisition, but it should be @quark
Wait, I didn't realize we had the great Ferengi entrepreneur in our midst.
So long as you all are cool with earning less bitcoin. :)
yeah it seems to be nudging people to contribute higher quality content.
i’ve set the ~charts posting fee to 210 sats for the same reason, seems to be incentivizing higher quality contributions… and the vast majority of posts have earned far more than 210 sats in return.
I zap most of them over 300, because I love data visualization.
The kind of Stackers I loved getting zapped from
I like it. If you don't crank it up a bit you'll be inundated with spammers, and I was already noticing a few AI text walls.
The only one that makes me think twice is @elvismercury's fee of 420, but even that usually doesn't stop me. I say crank it up.
One of my favorites is ~econ, a bargain at 10 sats.
What is econ? I know it is in territories, but what does it mean?
I think it makes sense that the more popular territories have higher posting fees.
It could also provide cover for territories like ours to raise fees too, since it could become a site wide norm.
I will might raise it a bit next month as a trial. Not to 100 but maybe 50.
@Slope Game Yes, that makes sense! Higher demand usually leads to higher fees.
@k00b 100 SATs Too much, It's a bit expensive for noobies like me, I have a idea Allow a first post a day with 10 SATs in bitcoin territory, than what ever you post in next 24 hrs can go from 100SATs or more!
This can give opportunity to post only a single post in a day with 10 SATs (I am losing opportunity to post in bitcoin territory to bitcoin related posts)☹️
You can always post in other territories that are not as important.
We don't really want to have everyone just spamming on bitcoin and other main territories.
Why does it cost 120 sats to post at bitcoin_beginners, and 100 sats to post in bitcoin?
Also, oracle is free, but builders costs 1,000 sats.
Nice experiments...
100 sats is good.
1000 might be too much
As long as it doesn't end in an arms race à la posting fees, its fine.
On Reddit we had up and donwvotes that's why we didn't even see spammy posts. 100 sats as temp fix I appreciate. Future value increase wipe away all spam and even 1 sat will be too much for spammers, imo
You can use 'top' for that
Now other territories cowboys, got idea from @k00b to do the same for ther territories!
100 seemed not too much in this poll.
100 is a bit expensive sir
You have not been to ~charts yet. The posting fee there is 210 sats. But I still posted my resilience chart like a BOSS because I think that’s invaluable information - even if the market doesn’t deem it to be haha
I haven't been posting my spammy as much because I have been very busy at work, so I can't credit the 100 sats fee for that.
All kidding aside, I like the range of the posting fees. If something has a higher fee, I want to put more time and thought into the post and decide to share a link. However, I think that's because the fee is higher relative to other territories. If they were all 100, every territory would call for the same level of seriousness or the same level of frivolity.
When You say original SN territories, do you mean the major four categories that was around before we finally got to know them as territories?
Yes. When I joined there were no subs, so I guess it wasn't an accurate statement. I meant bitcoin, nostr, meta, and tech.
Yeah, jobs, bitcoin, and a couple more.