playing around in the terminal last night, I feel I just started to learn how to really use the computer. 🤯
if you also want to learn about PGP, the best thing you can do is not use any tools but start right from the terminal - all the tools bring more convenience but also take away some of the important leanings! I prefer stacking solid knowledge ( baby steps learning things one by one instead of skipping ) from the beginning and then later taking advantage of the tools. Otherwise, there would be many missing pieces to pick up later on.
You know Kleopatra Certificate Manager ? #432817
Man, that post fell through the cracks, huh? It deserved more zaps.
Yes. But I don't think it was because they didn't like it, I must have posted it at the wrong time and it went unnoticed.
I feel bad for ~security, I currently don't have the time to look through the recent feed and zap good content since it takes time to evaluate content. And when in doubt, I don't zap. But hopefully I'll be able to allocate some time to it soon. It's more a time management problem than a time amount problem.
Mentioning this since it might also be related to the territory founder not taking good care of their territory haha
hmmmm, the mum/(dad?) is having too much children and spread himself too thin 👀
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 28 Feb
But I have big plans for all my children 👀
But I heard that's not a good thing. Sometimes children go and even have to go their own way.
hmmmm, too many expectations from parent is indeed not good, children are meant to be free to play.
can always do a shoutout in the @saloon - once some high trusted stackers pick up your post, then it's easier to be noticed.
Sometimes I do that. Thanks for reminding me. I must have forgotten I'd posted that myself 😂
I think it needs to have more details, with some simple intro and how-to, ideally with some tips and tricks on how to use it.
now i do 👀
It is fun, right? Are you on linux? Which distro?
yes! much fun.
Are you on linux? Which distro?
not yet, still on Mac with homebrew 👀 but happy to explore another operating system later!
174 sats \ 1 reply \ @quark 28 Feb
Linux is the way for freedom. Not just another OS. I'm sure you will end up on Linux ;)
absorbing and trial-erroring my way to freedom 👀