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From the number of times I post his links, I guess it's obvious I like James Lavish's writing. He does pretty deep dives while at the same time keeping it clear and understandable for those new to the subject.
I know there will be some here who have no interest in this- those who believe it's inevitable that bitcoin will take over the world, and that all we have to do is wait.
Personally, I enjoy the analysis even though I am in the true believer camp.
Risk/Reward? Binary Probabilities? I love this stuff. TLDR buy more bitcoin.
I like this and always bring it up with people comfortable with banks how much interest do you get from putting your money in the bank.. not even 1% and they loan your money out and make money off your money... it's insured up to 250k cool so the risk is low due to insurance but the reward is low we have gotten too comfortable letting others hold on to our priorities instead of doing it ourselves like in the babylonian & biblical days when they had their wealth in chests and custody with bitcoin you hold your wealth the risk is greater so you have to have systems in place incase you lose your keys or delete wallet, hardware breaks but the reward the interest is 200% on average per year so it's a higher risk with a way higher reward
We deal with decisions that involve applying the risk-benefit concept almost every day. Bitcoin is no different, but I believe we need to think more about the long term here and not from a monetary profit perspective. I see this more as a paradigm shift, and the benefit for humanity is huge.
James is great and a former college hockey player.
One of the great things about bitcoin is that over time the reward remains great but the risk diminishes. Maybe there will come a time where that is no longer the case but for now we are in a sweet spot.
Yes, I forgot he was a good hockey player. No Brian Spinner Spencer, but good. Don't know why I thought of him!
I vaguely know his story. Not sure why you thought of him in regards to James.
Absolutely no reason. I'm sorry I did. No one wants to be compared to him. Horrible story.
Good hockey name though.
🟢🟢🟢🔴 (3 years up, 1 year down)
PS : Bitcoin is going up forever
You are not a true bitcoiner if you are not reckless and go "ALL IN FOREVER". What many people still do not get it is: BITCOIN OR SLAVERY We do not have another chance towards freedom. This is our LAST CHANCE.
There are not many true bitcoiners then, or? :)
Most "bitcoiners" are in fact just traders/investors (= gamblers), they don't care about freedom or sovereignty, they just want to get rich quick so they can sell their coins back to fiat and go crazy with consumerism.
There are not many true bitcoiners then, or? :)
Bitcoin maxis are scarce, scarcer than bitcoin it self.
Bitcoin maxis are scarce, scarcer than bitcoin it self.
Well said, really nice 👍
Yes, we are just a bunch of crazy nerds fighting against the system until death. The rest are just rent seekers, fiat-maxis, shitcoiners, clueless noobs etc that are just pretending to be bitcoiners. A LARP world.
I considered myself to be a bitcoiner. Will never be, I guess.
Ok, so I do satisfy most, but not yet all points… I imagined something else when you wrote “crazy nerds fighting against the system until death”.
I'm also in the true believer camp, but it's still important to understand how everyone else is thinking about bitcoin. We won't have good expectations for medium term bitcoin trends, unless we know and understand these arguments.
Exactly. I also enjoy the mental exercise of reading about this stuff- a remnant from my old investing days.
Risk reward but most importantly, patience and nerves of steel
The risk - Everything
The reward - Everything
this lol.