Bitcoin is a human right.
LOL please stop with all this bullshit. You are just repeating pieces of crap and in your head is just a crap mixture.
all you have done ridicule me.
Because you are saying only stupidities. That's why. I am willing to help anybody that shows a minimum level of intelligence...
I have a significant amount of my net worth in Bitcoin in cold storage. So you’re welcome. Oh and thanks for providing 0 value to my questions.
I have a significant amount of my net worth in Bitcoin in cold storage
That means absolutely ZERO if you don't know why, how, where to use them.
Actually it means a lot. It increases the purchasing power of every other Bitcoiner. That’s like saying the Microstrategy Bitcoin HODL means nothing for adoption.
You struggle to see life from the viewpoints of others and you have a crappy attitude that isn’t helpful to others or Bitcoin adoption. Thanks for not being helpful and wasting my time this morning when I asked for help!
Here start listening this great read by Guy Swann, you will understand more
Thanks I’ll check it out! Guy is good stuff! Oh and on Bitcoin usage I put out a poll, let’s see what the stackers do here… #454898