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Inspired by this post from @Voldemort, I’d love to hear some recommendations for durable, timeless products you love.
I’m specifically thinking about products that can last many decades or even a lifetime with reasonably good care.
Any type of physical product counts!
A baby carrier that was bought in the 1990s and is still going strong to this day. I did not buy this baby carrier, and got it as a hand me down. It was originally bought by my brother-in-law(wife's older sister's husband)'s sister when she had her oldest child. I think her oldest child was born in 1995, so she must have bought the carrier around 1997 or so, as it is made for toddlers. The baby carrier had been passed down to her brother, then to my family, then to my wife's other sister, and now to my wife's cousin. It had carried a total of 9 kids, through countless trails, to numerous summits, with an insane number of kid-naps taken in the carrier, and still going strong carrying its 10th kid. The first kid that the carrier carried is now married and probably going to have her own kid soon.
Love it. It's amazing how long some things can last, that aren't even thought of as durable.
Not sure I have things that lasted for life, but on the top of my head, here are a few things that I have had for at least 10 years without the need for replacement.
  • Triathlon bike
  • T-shirts (some even for 20 years... things were made to last back then)
  • Music instruments (mid-level quality survives quite long)
  • Lego (my son is still playing with some of the ones that I played with as a child)
  • Books
Lego is a great pick, kind of amazing that they’ve made one of the world’s most successful brands from something as simple as plastic bricks
A good mechanical keyboard. Bought a Das keyboard in 2012. And it's still going. This thing keeps getting better with time!
I have a few - mostly related to the kitchen/cooking
  1. a titanium bike frame. Other materials can last a lifetime but titanium will last the longest if you ride a lot.
  2. a good quality nice chef's knife
  3. le creuset products
  4. technivorm moccamaster coffee machine
  5. A wood fire grill. I have a kankay that I like and use often.
A leatherman multi tool or a swiss army knife. They last forever
High quality material versions of items.
Comb from horn instead of plastic. Jewelry from precious metals. Clothing made out of wool/cotton/linen instead of crappy polyester. Cast iron pan instead of teflon. Flower pots from terra cotta instead of plastic. Cutting board from wood instead of plastic. etc etc
All of these simple choices make things that are buy it for life or even pass down for generations. Instead of short term use and throw away stuff.
A great book that resonates with me ofc
“What should I do with my life” (Po Bronson)
Packed full of stories featuring characters from all walks of life who shared with Po Bronson about the life choices they made as well as the decision-making processes behind them. Do you believe in epiphanies? Should you stay on in a morally decrepit job? Should you stay on in the same job forever? Po Bronson shares his reflective insights on these questions and more.
As a bright-eyed 20+ year old who had existential angst, I derived so much comfort from understanding how others lived their lives and examining how I should live mine.
I have owned this book for 20 years and I won’t throw it anytime soon.
Po Bronson offers a treasure trove of insightful perspectives and wisdom. ..
The most important lesson I got from this was about TheDecision-Making Process: Po Bronson delves into the decision-making processes of the characters in the book, shedding light on the factors they considered, the struggles they faced, and the lessons they learned along the way. It offers valuable insights into navigating life's choices. Overall, this book offers a rich tapestry of insights, guiding readers towards self-discovery, personal growth, and a deeper understanding of the choices we make in life..
interesting, will check it out
A desk!
now that I'm on the other side of a day of work, I have an addition to this, which I am surprised no one mentioned! When I think about a post apocalyptic scenario where the electric grid is down, and internet doesn't work, I always fixate on two things: food and fixing things. To fix things you need tools! I think a good set of tools, kept reasonably maintained, can last lifetimes. (especially the static tools like combination wrenches, drivers, hammers. Ratcheting wrenches are great too, but less likely to last a lifetime if used much, so I suggest having a few backups ;)
"Darn Tough" socks https://darntough.com/ Unconditionally guaranteed for life
they’re very good, the only socks i wear
You got me thinking. TBH, I don't have any such products, if the definition suggests that they should last a lifetime. In case it's about durability, I have a bunch of things.
  1. A Carrom board (yeah, it was made of real Teak and it was a gift from my father on my 10th Birthday)
  2. My first Bike. It's still pretty. Now a days I ride it less but taking care of it like everyday. (That's kinda habit.)
  3. All my books ever since from my High school time. I have a book shelf, a tiny library room in my house. (And you know what I pick one of them randomly and it lets me live my old days again)
You would ask me if these won't last with you for over 50 years. I only say, I can't say. These are after all things, what if I treat them as human companions.
  1. Best friend
  2. High quality sports watch
  3. Comfortable and durable shoes
  4. Orthopedic bed
  5. Meat for breakfast, lunch and dinners
It's not lifetime thing however they improve my life. All other temporary things don't matter. On top of these just mental health
a well made guitar with a good case needs very little maintenance and cleaning to last for life
i have a Fender Telecaster with a spalted maple top that i plan to keep forever 🧡
Only Bitcoin is for life. All the rest are temporary.
Grandfather's wooden easy chair still going strong. 35+ years. He is no more though! :(
Le Creuset set of pots / pans. Yes a decent set may run you ~$1000, but you can use daily and they will never need replacement. They will last long enough to be passed down to your kids...
The pocketknife whose design hasn't changed since 1890. #OPINEL
a hammer
I bought a Leatherman pocket knife 20 years ago and still like new.
And it came with lifetime warranty, now they cover only 25 years.
I like to collect old video games, if you treat them well and take care of them, they can last a long time.
"The 100" book. I bought this back in 2015, its my fav book.
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