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I've written a few posts on what has been the most significant health change I've made which has been breathing. They can be read here: #439822, #453049, #462523
So in light of that, I was wondering what sort of health changes or implementations stackers have taken on board that have significantly benefitted their life?
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In the past, triathlon.
Then, life got in the way, and the best change I've made since: daily biking with Zwift.
I would lie to say: cut drinking, but I've just come out of a week of regular drinking so can't really say I fully cut it. But reducing my alcohol intake compared to my peak time in my 20s has been a huge health boost too.
Both regular sports and less drinking have improved my sleep. Using a sleep apnea machine is the additional factor that made sleep so much better and, thus, ultimately, health.
Triathlon, wow that sounds brutal but hats off to you! Ahh yes I remember you mentioning Zwift!
Awesome that you've been able to cut back!
Yeah that is one of the main reasons I don't drink anymore, because of it's negative impact on sleep. I'm glad the sleep apnea machine is helping you.
Fasting. In any form. Whether it be dry fasting, water fasting, intermittent fasting, salt water fasting, bone broth fasting, electronics fasting, isolation. In my experience, the act of giving something up, especially food is hugely beneficial for our minds, bodies, and spirits. There is so much to learn from sitting with less. I believe when we let go of inputs and stimulation and we create space for our creative free will. We can learn how to feel our bodies again.
Very very true!
I use one of those doorway hanging pull-up bars to stretch my spine as often as I can.
I let gravity pull my hips down while my legs and feet are far out in front of me or behind me.
You can feel it opening up your vertebra and it relieves a lot of tension on the lower back muscles.
Hmm yet to try this one out, will give it a try!
Inspired by The Dark Knight Rises. After Bruce has his back Baned, the healer in the prison has him hang similar to that until he can walk again.
A lot, but the 2 biggest game changers have been 1. quitting drinking 2. intermittent fasting
Yes intermittent fasting has been great for me as well!
Retraining my taste buds to not want so much sugar. Limiting any kind of sweetened things to just an afternoon snack, separate from all meals. Eliminating any and all sweetened drinks, unless for an occasional gathering as a treat.
For sure! Especially the sweetened drinks, those without a doubt overwhelm your body's system and ability to maintain good health!