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I have a friend that I used to drink with. Every time we went to a bar, I knew that he doesn't want to pay the rounds, because he went straight to sit at a table, in a corner.
When you are thirsty and your pocket is well enough, you don't go to a table, you sit at the bar, standing up. And order one by one... People that goes to sit at a table will not drink too much, are just passing by.
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Nothing wrong with sit and drink. Only that don't forget to stand up in a while... to move the alcohol down from brain :)
At this hour of the early morning, all I'm drinking is black coffee.
Looks like you're enjoying your vacation! What book are you taking with you?
That site looks spectacular! Enjoy
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this is stock photo. Siggy is now on an island smoking cigars with M.Popescu
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when (if) he came back his house will be occupied by raccoons 😂😂😂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_ate5QTu0E
I suspected that.