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All who has belief Happy Easter
Regina Caeli, laetare Alleluia Quia quem meruisti portare Alleluia Resurrexit, sicut dixit Alleluia Ora pro nobis Deum Alleluia
"And God raised the Lord and will also raise us up by his power."

Indeed, he is risen!

He is Risen! Have a blessed Easter!
He is risen indeed.
Truly He is Risen!
Same to you!
Christ Is Risen!
He Is Risen Indeed
Luke 23:43 - And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.
Happy Easter Stackers, have a blessed day with friends and family. Want to share something below that speaks to me today.
As we repent for the failures of the past year, reflect with gratitude on the great gifts it brought and resolve to "be better" and "do more" that is good in the coming year, we are always confronted with the reality of our human condition. We all know that many our resolutions to change often end in failure. That is, when fulfilling them relies on our own human efforts. We are prone; it seems, to making wrong choices in the stuff that is daily human life. We sin. There is a force at work in us that we simply cannot overcome on our own; an inclination. It is called sin. Only Jesus Christ can free us from that sin. That is why He alone can truly "make all things new!" - in our own lives and in the world and the universe.
Happy Easter Stackers! πŸ₯š
Ever wonder how we got to turning one of the most family friendly weekends of the year into a chocolate coma-inducing contest?

The first ever chocolate Easter egg was manufactured in 1873 by J.S Fry & Sons, with Cadbury then producing the modern chocolate Easter egg that we know today in 1875, which was made after developing a pure cocoa butter that could be moulded into smooth shapes.
I wonder what J.S Fry would think of our palm-oil versions stacked on supermarket shelves today.
While today lots of us enjoy chocolate eggs at Easter, in the past eating eggs was not permitted by church leaders in the week leading up to Easter, known as Holy Week.
Arbitrary rules, from β€˜leaders’.
So during that time, any eggs laid were saved and decorated to make them Holy Week eggs, which were then given to children as gifts.
Low time-preference training. For the good of the youngsters.

The festal letter of Athanasius in 330 shows that the early church was practising a 40-day fast prior to Easter. The fifth-century church historian Socrates Scholasticus noted: "Some abstain from eggs…"
In pre-refrigeration days, it would be difficult to preserve milk and meat products until Easter, but the same was not true of eggs. Eggs, which unlike other foods do not perish quickly, were therefore a natural way to break the fast on Easter Sunday. Presenting gifts of eggs at Easter has a long and culturally diverse lineage. Practicality was one factor: Given that hens would be laying eggs throughout Lent, a surplus would exist by Easter, probably at lower prices.
Decisions like these even distorted market pricing back then. Never considered that. Imagine there were some arbitrage opportunities, until inventories β€˜went off’ or were depleted.
We don't celebrate here but happy to see you guys enjoying . HAPPY EASTER to all.. Enjoy 🎊
Easter is May 5th for some, but same to you :)
Happy Easter!
Happy easter
Happy Easter and God bless you all
Happy Easter!
Lots of success to all
Happy Easter, Happy Stacking, Happy Life :)
Happy Easter
Happy Easter to all who subscribe to it, and enjoy choccies for all who are still eating sugar
Happy Resurrection Sunday! Christ is King
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