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passports are shitcoins are the ultimate form of obedience. What does it means the word passport?
I agree, every time I get a chance, I point out that borders are invisible and imaginary lines on dirt made up by mostly old dead white men.
It usually makes people pause.
Like timezones.
But - there is so much fucking ink spilled about them.
Super hard not to bend the knee to them, unless you are mega rich.
Tell me more about this! How would you travel without a citizen passport? What are the alternatives?
I am not a citizen. I am a sovereign living man. Only citizens have passports because are members of a state. Look closer to this chart and locate yourself. All so called "countries" are corporations. if you call yourself a citizen, that means you put yourself inside these corporations.
I know you are not a citizen... but my question is about how do you travel without one? I'd appreciate some of your strategies and learnings.
Do you endlessly face fake authorities with natural law topics? or you just take the sideways and move around with alternative methods?