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Best way to acquire Bitcoin is to mine.
Always has been.
But you need to buy a bunch of ASICs to mine bitcoin, whether with a pool or not, so that's a non-starter for normal people.
I agree with your initial thought on this, but disagree in execution for folks.
You can purchase even something as small as a BitAxe and connect to a pool that pays out in Lightning
All matters is how bad you want it.
Go find someone who does have ASIC's plugged in and kindly ask if you can pay their electric bill in exchange for their sats. Again how bad do you want it. Nothing is easy. You want easy, just buy right from exchange.
Are you personally doing this? I think you're underestimating just how institutional and refined bitcoin mining is. It's big business.
I am blessed to do so.
Again how bad do you want it.
Not if you have $3000. Anyone can get that https://wilsonmining.io
That's not true!
You'll end up with more bitcoin almost every time if you market buy ASAP. Mining will acquire bitcoin at a delay and it will usually be less than a market buy at spot price at the same time you would have bought mining equipment.
Even in the very early days. You could have used minimal power to mine 50 BTC 2 or 3 times a day! However, if you found a seller, you could have acquired thousands of bitcoin for hundreds of USD!
This is actually true... But getting it through mining is super gratifying... And no needing to worry about coin joining or centralized exchanges or P2P exchanges
The anti-privacy wave is coming. Be prepared guys!
War was successfully declared.
it has been declared for a while now
Yes :)
Be prepared guys!
How do you prepare?
The Bitcoin community should be getting prepared politically, by setting up legal defense funds (including for the present case) as well as setting up lobbying organizations.
The tendency of bitcoiners to just say "fuck politics" and disengage is deadly. You can't avoid politics with code. You can gain some power. But not enough to resist all politics.
The problem is the mega-stack holders are either (a) Playing jurisdictional arbitrage and thus feel safe, or (b) Already part of the Wall Street machine and thus feel safe.
Cypherpunks run code.
The problem is that if you speak up publicly for someone they just go without a warrant to your house, take your computer and try to steal your Bitcoin and you may end up in custody. Thus speaking for someone may preclude your ability of running code. At the very least it is like saying: "I am a domestic terrorist. Come and take me."
I hate to say it, but first let's start by ignoring this whole raft with JPEGs. Fees are at least back to pre-halving levels now.
We can't overcome this without a united front.
Using privacy tools.
The privacy tools are the ones being taken down here. You need to talk and spread the word.
The vanguard is stronger than its ever been.
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Coming? Hell, I've been in the jungle for the last 20 years. Where have you been?
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Looks like the battle lines have been drawn. I can hear Which Side Are You On? in my head. I can see how this plays out and it won't be good. Saylor and Fink calling for transparency and compliance. I hope I'm wrong.
Do You see a general attack on the LN?
I hope I'm overreacting. I do that a lot. 😀 Seriously, though, it certainly looks like it's possible if the US government is going to strictly enforce this money transmitter notion.
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Is this because they didn't slap an OFAC filter on their mixer? Really sucks for the dudes involved man, I guess we're all going to need to run join markets on our nodes and sack up
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Listening to someone pretty knowledgeable on the subject (Luke Parker) on an X space rn. Sounds like they were marketing the product towards subverting laws as opposed to just offering privacy.
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Inevitable. These services were never gonna survive long term.
Plus if those cats were openly bragging about helping people launder money as alleged in the articles, they're F'd sideways
Have always said JoinMarket has the biggest chance of survival of all currernt coinjoin implementations in case of full scale war on Bitcoin privacy, as there is no centralized service profiting, there is no company behind it, even if you arrest or kill all the devs, code is open, people can still run it. Also true for Samourai and Wasabi, but both require single centralized coordinator to coordinate coinjoin rounds. In JoinMarket taker is coordinating, which means anyone can do it and there always will be makers over Tor ready to provide liquidity, no single server ever to seize / shut down.
What is the famous saying from Batman? "You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
I don't think that applies here.
That quote speaks to inevitable corruption of the hero or the confusion of a mob.
Whats happening here, is that the maker of a gun, is arrested for alleged murder with said gun.
Jail is a state of mind.
Man I love the this comment - made me laugh
Ignorantia juris non excusat
exactly right Also this: How can they be charged with laundering money when they don’t classify bitcoin as money?
138 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 24 Apr 2024
where's the victim of the crime?
Seriously. Get real. This "I don't believe in government" cosplay is not how we win.
Physical power doesn't care about laws, words, believes or signed pieces of paper. Those are abstract things. Physical power projection exists objectively in physical reality.
The only way to fight back and win is to become power projectors ourselves.
This was exactly my reflection too
When has a state ever contradicted themselves or lied?
Armchair legal experts
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Then they fight us.
.......The money launderers are arresting money launderers. The temperature is rising.
.......The money launderers are arresting money launderers. The temperature is rising.
They should've just used Ukraine as a mixer like the pros do.....
That’s a zap, freak
This is serious
Can someone explain me that reason why FBI can arrest someone outside of the U.S.. The announcement said CTO was in Portugal and even their servers are running in Iceland. Is that because samourai release there app in the U.S. app store? Or, the announcement said there are samourai users in there jurisdiction, is this reason?
Too bad... Guess they never got around to it. All the privacy had to be pushed to the second layer...
From the press release:
As alleged, Keonne Rodriguez and William Lonergan Hill are responsible for developing, marketing, and operating Samourai, a cryptocurrency mixing service that executed over $2 billion in unlawful transactions and served as a haven for criminals to engage in large-scale money laundering.
IRS-CI Special Agent in Charge Thomas Fattorusso said: “$2 billion in transactions with an unlicensed money transmitter means $2 billion flowed without any oversight, from whomever to wherever.
without any oversight, from whomever to wherever.
Yep. Let that sink in.
Wasabi next?
Why? Already compromised
I'd say so. Yikes...
Is Craig Raw ok?
It is all a stunt operation ! Samurai guys were all along part of this. They will get away and you will never hear from them. This operation is exactly the same as Silk Road, a cover-up to hit hard on Bitcoin. As Ross was a patsy, samourai devs are also patsies.
Don't believe Darth? Fine @remindme 1 year
I think its called a "sting operation", and yeah, my thoughts too. They were certainly "asked" to cooperate a while ago, they cooperated, and once the real target was identified the sting is done.
oh yeah is sting, my mistake.
You're a literal retard
What wallet do we use on chain then?
https://expatriotic.me/ashigaru, Sparrow, or Zeus are all good wallets that have onchain capability
1000 sats \ 12 replies \ @OT 24 Apr 2024
Is whirlpool still working?
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the whirlpool coordinator FOSS and self-hostable? How hard would it be for someone to run that again?
Maybe the liquidity wouldn't be that big, but atleast we can get started again.
I'm sure they have a backup plan. There's 10k BTC in there (was?)
They never had the custody of the UTXOs
I know.
I mean they didn't have a backup for who would run whirlpool in case they were arrested
Server is down. Not sure what that means for BTC currently in the mixer. Might require running Dojo, or worse.
Not sure what that means for BTC currently in the mixer
With coinjoins you never give up custody of bitcoins to a third party, every coinjoin transaction needs to be signed by all participants for it to be a valid Bitcoin transaction.
You'd think they have been prepared for this moment. I guess all will be revealed over the coming years
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These kind of terms noncustodial, mixer, coinjoin will play out in court and set a precedent for future cases.
Prosecution and judge will likely avoid this at all costs, they hate setting precedent where they can avoid it. Likely they will just show big numbers to the jury "tWo bIlLion lAunDeRed" and show one actual criminal they can prove used coin join and then point at samourai's marketing as clearly they knew they were running a money laundering scheme.
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Just saw this on Twitter. Scary.
I believe scammers are everywhere. Before do any transaction we have to check all legal documents and check all pervious records.
Could fedi.xyz be a solution? i.e. fedimint ( I don't know much about it but apparently people like it )
They were marketing it explicitly for illegal use.
Are you fucking joking? It's a tweet. It's words. They don't actually control who uses it or how. They never take custody. And anyway, Bitcoin is property not currency or money based on the legal definition. So "conspiracy to commit money laundering" doesn't even make sense as there are no fiat rails EVER. All they did was help people gain on chain privacy so bitcoins could have the SAME privacy that cash has. Next you'll be telling me people who use cash are criminals for wanting spending privacy.
The government seeking to control bitcoin, that is why the way forward is, not to stop learning to become more ungovernable every day ⚡🤠🍊
Hey all - not sure if anyone needs to see this as it pertains to all this....but it looks like one may need/want to take some extra steps if you have or currently were a user of SW.... I copied the link myself from this twitter page for use here after reading through it and figuring it looked legit and helpful.
This was shared with me in a discord group I am in of pretty trusted individuals...as always though - do your own due diligence...take care of yourselves out there and STAY HUMBLE AND STACK SATS!
Was this Because of the XMR atomic Swaps ?
Rights are taken, not given
It was a matter of time, let's be honest
Regarding Silk Road, most people used bitcoin fog or tumbler. I forget the exact name. The original Silk Road was seized in 2013 October.
I wonder if this guy tought he really would get away with it 🤣
Get away with what exactly? They weren't even hiding their identity. They were open source devs adding privacy to bitcoins base layer
Damn that is wild
This epoch is going to be such a bloodbath and I'm here for it!
If this is all it took to take down privacy on Bitcoin, was it all just larping?
There are better privacy solutions for Bitcoin than Samourai, their main advantage was being a mobile wallet.
Advantages and disadvantages to the different implementations out there, but they were the only 100% entropy coinjoins with whirlpool
Shoulda said gofac yourself like k00b did
oooh, they using Twitter posts as evidence like a mofo!
Damn. Sad. Prayers to those guys
Your seed phrase and self-hosted node(s) are next!
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Truly is sad to see
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fuck off
What? But they were open source devs following FinCen guidance. Not criminals or money launderers... Wow