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as is not is
If something is as something else, it's not that thing
As most certainly is is, for as means that IT IS of a particular form that is being stated
No different from if the IRS says something IS treated AS something else, the IS is implicitly there along with the AS, it cannot be separated
Not that it matters because what they say IS NONSENSE regardless
if I treat you as my brother it means you are not my brother
Lux, I am your brother
you are my legal tender
En el modo o la manera que, del modo o la manera que. U. sin antecedente expreso. Arreglé la mesa como me explicaron.
"As you explained to me"
we are talking about law, it's very clear.
on dollar bills says "this note is legal tender", not this can be used as lt
It is very clear:
Regulación del bitcoin como moneda de curso legal
That text in Spanish is very clear if you're a Spanish native speaker.
It says "Regulation of Bitcoin as legal tender".
yep, it's clear. i don't know what you are no getting.
where in the law says "Bitcoin is legal tender"? It's an impossibility, the law would be null and void
Exactly. Bitcoin cannot be legal tender, because legal tender means discharging debt with another financial instrument. Bitcoin cannot be that. Only fiat can be legal tender.
But yeah many people have this misconception in their mind that legal tender means legal money or something like that. They literally do not know what is money and what is legal tender.
Art 4: Todas las contribuciones tributarias podran ser pagadas en bitcoin
Art 7: Todo agente economico debera aceptar bitcoin como forma de pago cuando asi le sea ofrecido por quien adquiere un bien o servicio
Art 13: Todas las obligaciones en dinero expresadas en dolares, existentes con anterioridad a la vigencia de la presente ley, podran ser pagadas en Bitcoin
The law says you can pay debts with Bitcoin.
It's right there on page 13 of the official document: https://www.diariooficial.gob.sv/seleccion/30534
On Article 1 it literally says that this law regulates Bitcoin as legal tender, and then goes into the exact details of what that means in the next articles...
FFS how many times we have to tell you that as is not is?
this law regulates Bitcoin as legal tender, and then goes into the exact details of what that means in the next articles...
it wouldn't have to go in details if "Bitcoin is legal tender"