No need to move any funds:

Quick guide I already posted yesterday on nostr

For all those 'mericans that are in "panic mode" using Phoenix, here is what you should do:
  1. Save you phoenix seed.
  2. Uninstall from Google app store (because is linked to your account, location, IP etc)
  3. Install app from Phoenix github, without any fucking app store
  4. Restore from seed.
Done, be happy and ignore all the shit.
If you still use an apple shit, drop it now and take an android, de-googled and do those steps. Here is a guide about that If you still want to use your fancy apple crap... sorry but you have been warned.
Fantastic guide by the way. I like your approach one phone for bitcoin apps, a stock android for testing.
Always helping! How great is the master @DarthCoin
If you still use an apple ... drop it now and take an android ... If you still want to use your fancy apple cr*p... sorry but you have been warned
I was baffled when I first announce the native SN client I made and many stackers here on SN kept whining that it wouldn't work on their iphones, that apple wouldn't let me publish the app on their store and etc, etc
Who cares if it wouldn't work on iphones? Well, I don't
I'm not saying that android phones are the only and best thing out there but, at least, you can hack some of them
Friend has an iPhone lol but thanks for the advice
those with apple products are not your friends... I linked a guide for him how to drop that shit and be a real bitcoiner
He’s stuck in fiat mindset. He was excited about his stock portfolio going bonkers. He bought some stuff for me and I paid him back in bitcoin no way in hell he’s going to drop Apple.
ouch... you had a nice try, sorry for your intent. As I always said: Bitcoin is only for the brave.
I warned you