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I'm glad Samson Mow went there. I stopped myself from saying that yesterday.
The sad thing is that this will not stop here... Acinq just created a precedent and more will follow. Even in EU.
And you know what? Some fault is also from the stubbornness of users in using Apple devices and stock ROM Android devices, stuck in App Stores that control everything and make these situations possible.
People will not learn the lessons from the past and still want to use closed sourced devices. They have been warned and they will get rekt.
Bitcoin is not for the weak, ONLY for the brave and knowledgeable.
Regardless of your threat model we all need to be using tools / apps / phones / computers / bitcoin in sovereign ways.
This is why I switched to Linux, Graphene, and started self hosting. We must show the way. Create demand. Dump the corporate state controlled companies.
I dunno about you but I kinda feel like with Apple and Google it is more corporate-controlled governments not the other way around.
Doesn't really matter. They work hand in glove.
I JUST onboarded a normie to his first corn using Phoenix. Now I gotta tell him to get a new wallet and move his funds haha
They don’t make it easy
No need to move any funds:

Quick guide I already posted yesterday on nostr

For all those 'mericans that are in "panic mode" using Phoenix, here is what you should do:
  1. Save you phoenix seed.
  2. Uninstall from Google app store (because is linked to your account, location, IP etc)
  3. Install app from Phoenix github, without any fucking app store
  4. Restore from seed.
Done, be happy and ignore all the shit.
If you still use an apple shit, drop it now and take an android, de-googled and do those steps. Here is a guide about that If you still want to use your fancy apple crap... sorry but you have been warned.
Fantastic guide by the way. I like your approach one phone for bitcoin apps, a stock android for testing.
Always helping! How great is the master @DarthCoin
If you still use an apple ... drop it now and take an android ... If you still want to use your fancy apple cr*p... sorry but you have been warned
I was baffled when I first announce the native SN client I made and many stackers here on SN kept whining that it wouldn't work on their iphones, that apple wouldn't let me publish the app on their store and etc, etc
Who cares if it wouldn't work on iphones? Well, I don't
I'm not saying that android phones are the only and best thing out there but, at least, you can hack some of them
Friend has an iPhone lol but thanks for the advice
The British are gonna have a field day with this 😂
deleted by author
the french are not consenting
I don’t get it, was this suppose to be funny?
They surrounded first at WW1, at WW2, and they already did at WW3. Because WW3 is all about Bitcoin, and it started in 2009.
Mais au moins, ils savent épeler. Ta mère était un hamster et ton père sent le sureau. Maintenant, va-t-en ou je te nargue une seconde fois.
Funny nobody pulled out the outrage and racist jokes when Wallet of Satoshi barred US customers.
The french are part of the eu. Lol
Please, can we all use the more descriptive term: cheese-eating surrender monkeys?
While it's great to make fun of les baguettes, all companies will fold eventually, everywhere.
"Salvation" from State will not come from businesses, we have to save ourselves.
They smell and like hairy pussy
Also, Al Bundy knew well about the background