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I've long been trying to convince people to zap more: #287074. Most of you are just leaving sats on the table with your miserly ways.
This, however, is a second order post about what to zap.

Let a thousand rewards systems bloom

I'm pretty sure @ek made an off-hand remark about how we are each operating our own rewards system on Stacker News. I thought that was a really cool way to think about it.
Most of us are fairly well acquainted with the rewards system, thanks to MSM and the leaderboard. However, I think most of us only think about the first level as the rewards system: i.e. I got paid out rewards for making content people liked and zapping content that people liked.
For each of us, though, the reward for zapping has particular consequences for the site and what content appears here. A cursory glance at the leaderboard reveals that I zap a lot, which I do because it generates a lot of rewards. That means the kind of content I like is subsidized by the Stacker News rewards algorithm and I have fairly idiosyncratic tastes. My preferences are therefor implicitly part of the SN rewards algorithm (as are yours, but I probably zap more).

The Takeaway

If Stacker News doesn't have the right balance of content for you, it might be because people like me are funneling the rewards to the stuff we like.
If you want Stacker News to have more of the content you like, then reward the people who make content you like. There's no reason not to, since @k00b is essentially offering full refunds on zaps via the rewards algorithm he designed.
As I said many times: zap wisely. People tend to not understand my words at first glance, but later will came back to them.
Do not consider SN as a faucet game of earning sats!
Is the way around: you pay to play. If you realy have something to say, you pay. The reward in sats is because you said something very good, very important for the rest and you really deserve those sats.
I sm telling you this very seriously because I was around these types of faucets more than you can imagine for the last 12 years. When I was playing faucets that were dropping 1M sats/h you were playing with other shitcoins or not even that. If a game can be played it will be played, and in SN case it will end up in a rigged gamed. As I warned many times: MSM game is rigged!
Later you will regret every sat that you didn't saved. ZAP WISELY it's all I vould say.
^this^ and MSM is killing SN for me
Yes, make them pay, not the way around. If you create a system of assmilking, you will not get good things. Scarcity creates more value than you can imagine !
See this comment? And are many more like this:
As I said, many people are looking to every single sat to save, but you encourage them to spend thousands.... And this creates the bad behavior attracting more shitcoiners as SN would be a golden faucet of sats...
We need to attract bees to flowers not flies to shit...
Bees aren't going to be attracted to this flower if there's no pollen.
I'm clearly not saying to frivolously zap everything. I explicitly said to zap the kind of content you want to see more of.
People should absolutely be zapping thousands of sats if someone produces something of value. Why else would good content producers come here?
I am not here because I will get some sats. I am here because I have to help people that knows shit about Bitcoin and other stuff. And I pay for every post I made... btw I am still on top with most comments ever. Not that I brag about, but shows my dedication to help people. Yes, not all my posts/comments are important, but most of them yes.
17042 items posted on SN, just multiply that with the time used to comment. This is one of my contributions to Bitcoin and SN. And also had a cost of posting.
It's hard to convince people that part of zapping wisely is zapping a meaningful amount. For Stacker News to continue working, stackers need to understand that.
I will tell you another aspects:
  1. If somebody is zapping 100 or 10k sats to a post, how much would you zap? 100 or another 10k?
Many stackers will zap smaller amounts if they see a post getting large amount of sats from the beginning. I studied this behavior and that's why sometimes I zap let's say 100 sats if I like that post, then I wait to see others reactions. If more people are engaging and is a nice discussion, I would zap even more sats to the same OP.
Why this? So if I am also the first one in commenting, they will not see how much I zapped initially.
People tend to have the "sheep syndrome" and following others behavior. Also they will zap because x zapped, but sometimes they don't even read what was written.
  1. What if you zapped initially 10k sats and later in the comments the OP says something stupid that even contradict the original post?
That's why I said "zap wisely"....
You've mentioned this approach before and I think it's very interesting. I don't usually have the diligence to circle back around and see how the discussions are evolving, but I'm glad that's something you're doing.
I've definitely prematurely zapped someone and regretted it later when they said something dumb.
I totally agree, "Zap wisely". I'm trying to get people to think about what that means, though, because I don't think it's what they're doing and I think SN will be better if they start.
I came onto SN thinking I would take millions of sats out, but my mindset changed very quickly. I feel it is better to have a zero sum game, where you dont take out anything. I believe the content will be better in the long run that way, but I could be wrong. I have only been here a little while and everyone has treated me pretty well.
That's very much how I feel too.
There will always be things you dont like, but you can mute them. It does get annoying when people post the same news articles. There is a learning curve, I am sure my posts will get better with time. Takes time to figure out how to present your posts in your own way! :)
Very good advice, everyone pay attention.
Zapped because I want to see more posts about people paying attention to what I write :)
Extra sats for the person that finds the comment in which I mentioned it!
It took me a little while, because I thought it was in a different post.
They seem to redistribute the rewards they receive inside SN; acting as their own little reward pools. So they see their rewards as part of a closed system they want to push forward.
53 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 30 Apr 2024
Mhh, I also think it was in a different post. I think I only mentioned this idea again in #508794. But I forgot about this time so here are some sats!
I must have missed the other one, then, because this is definitely the one I was thinking of.
I posted an article about Veracrypt for beginners, zero zaps. Now, UK can get their citizen's computers and phones seized without warrant as of yesterday. This community doesn't care about vital information to safeguard their devices and privacy. I posted a poll, what's the plan if the fed/officials are coming down, they just haven't caught up to you yet. Most would just happily be a criminal, which will likely involve some type of violence in the end. Why was this joked about it? Because we still haven't heard the stories about people being exploited, yet.
It takes a while sometimes for the community to develop a "taste" for what you do. Many of us who are now pretty successful (in terms of getting zaps) were once pretty unsuccessful. Keep at it.
Can confirm
That sounds like content that people would be interested in, so maybe it just flew under the radar.
As someone who posts a lot of links to other articles, they don't always get much engagement. Consider posting discussion style posts, until people realize that you post valuable information.
83 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 30 Apr 2024
Maybe it would help if you ask for feedback in the @saloon instead of lumping the whole community together with statements like this:
This community doesn't care about vital information to safeguard their devices and privacy.
especially since if you look into ~privacy, you can see that posts about privacy can get sats. Tbh, the way you wrote this sounds quite entitled to attention and sats.
This is my honest feedback, you can do with it what you want,
i put it under ~security, but it can definitely be in ~privacy. I don't see much privacy related material.
here's the article, incase those Do care to safeguard their files on their devices. This could be your key phrase, seed, or passwords, or ID, passport, anything! I recommend you put it in a folder : Porn. The feds might not bother to look in there for this stuff. And have multiple locations. There's no harm in safeguarding your files in the event of oppression. If everything becomes a police state, you got nothing to lose by using it and everything to gain. #522002
I also posted some stuff about a bike l was restoring...got very little attention. But the comment about a notebook l made by hand got more attention. SN can be weird at times.
post up article, i might not have seen it
#516926 I will keep adding to it as l work on it. I have been contemplating if l should start a new post each time, or keep adding as a reply. Dont know which way would be better...
How would you see more comnents if you mute me? And sometimes you could miss important stuff I am saying. Then you came to me asking why I didn't told you about x and y. You can ignore Darth's advice and warnings but you cannot the consequences of ignoring them
Is this it? #523478
It'd probably be interesting to do a historical analysis of this, I think Stacker News probably follows a pretty extreme distribution of (1) lurkers vs. (2) sharers vs. (3) producers and specifically has a lot more of (1) then (2) since people vote with their sats.
Putting my microeconomist hat on, the fact that a post costs 100x more than a reply basically creates the incentive for threads that are more packed than the norm. For example, HN (the place that must not be named) doesn't typically have a lot of discussions - but then upvotes and replies are "free".
I'm really new on stacker.news. There is a page where I can read all about this topic?
Did you tried to scroll down to the bottom of the SN page?
Ahh i get it!
Huge epiphany!
I am the algorithm...
YOU ARE the algorithm...!
We are ALL the algorithm!!!
I think you are absolutely right my good brother. Keep up the good work.
Thank you. I'll keep tilting at this windmill until stackers are zapping to my satisfaction.
Very insightful as always
Thanks, although I suppose it was @ek's insight. So, maybe I should have said "I agree".
With the new updates that are coming on SN about the external wallets, the entire zapping process will change, I guess.
Yeah, I'm still wrapping my head around the system @k00b described.
Hopefully, it's a smooth transition.
There's no reason not to, since @k00b is essentially offering full refunds on zaps via the rewards algorithm he designed.
The full refund isn't made to the zapper, istead it goes to the top 100 stackers.
Am I right?
I only believe that I'm partially right and @kr or @ek can enlighten us more on this.
You are right, while we're in MSM. However, if you zap as you should, you will be in the top 100.
I think people were much more generous when there were daily rewards. No one likes to see their wallet balance decline too much even if they know a big payout is coming at the end of the month.
I am curious to see what zapping behaviour is like next month.
No one likes to see their wallet balance decline too much
Don't I know it
My stock crashed liked bitcoin today. I was sitting pretty at 6 and logged on and I was suddenly 9th. On the last day? These standings must be incredibly close.
This is what I don't like about MSM. The difference of over 50k sats between 6 and 9 compels me to chase and that's not what I want to spend my time doing on SN.
You had a nice hold on that spot after all your AMA zapping. I've also been slipping a spot or two while I sleep, most nights.
Last night, I just happened to think about a nice meta topic, while watching the Heat game.
My guess is that your normal activity today will boost you back up.
I did go a bit wild on the AMA zapping and commenting. I am slightly baffled by the calculations used. I don't get how david (nothing against david) keeps finishing so high when he posts 5 times in a month and makes maybe a 100 comments and doesn't zap much. I know he usually has one big post per month that does extremely well but why does one post that is a top post for the day and generates say 30k sats outweigh 30 days of posts that generate a total of 50k sats?
I know they want to incentivize quality and detract from people spamming to try to get rewards but I think quantity gets punished too much. Regular posters are the lifeblood of SN.
It's very non-linear. I'm guessing he's got the top post spot, especially with who is likely zapping him.
I agree that it's a bit unbalanced, but he does put more effort into his posts than I do and they're of greater interest to most stackers.
I still think rewarding zaps directly makes more sense than rewarding content directly.
Yes! And of course, we're also making our own algorithms when we make our reward system; my "top" view is almost certainly not the same as yours, even if both of us have contributed to some of the same posts.
I do use the other tools to control my feed -- muting a few territories I know I'll never read, muting a very small number of users, downzapping, and on the flip side subscribing to certain users and territories -- but zapping what I like is the easiest thing to do.
I always forget to talk about downzapping. Thank you for your service on that front.
I downzap pretty infrequently, but it's a very valuable tool.
Ah if only human behaviour were so easily definable. Sometimes I zap a post simply because I know it probably won’t gain traction. I mean, I like it enough to zap it, but I could have liked posts with greater potential haha.
I also confess to avoiding some posts because I notice that the OP doesn’t have a habit of zapping anyone back - and it just doesn’t sit well with me
I should have been broader in my description and said to zap the behaviors you want to see more of.
If there are people who use the site in a way you don't like, then you shouldn't zap them. On the flip side, I do zap people more who do use the site in a positive way.
You're absolutely right, I always zap the content I like, with the amount I have set, I have to zap more!
I recommend at least having one value for comments and one for posts. If you're brave enough to enable turbo zaps, that makes it really easy: one click for comments, two clicks for posts.
Good tips, I only have one for comments, I am going to follow your recommendations, thanks