I'm going to be spending the next few weeks refining the product rather than adding bigger features. There are ops, performance, code clean up, etc that I need to do, but overall it'd be good to make sure existing features are improved before adding bigger stuff.
So what do you want enhanced? By enhancements, I mean things that aren't huge lifts in isolation. For example, here's some things people have requested that are top of mind:
  1. autocomplete mentions/forwards
    • e.g. I type @k0 and it suggests @k00b)
  2. different sorts and filters for search
    • e.g. sort by recent, only show posts not comments, etc.
  3. be able to add boost/forwarding on edit
  4. up to 10 poll options
  5. edit poll options
  6. increased costs for reposting links too soon after the last post
    • e.g. someone is shilling their site daily
  7. increased costs for posting too much
  8. be able to view recent comments site-wide (not just posts)
  9. fix image distortion issues for some aspect ratios/browsers
Anyway, what do you want refined?
Option to "show results" on a poll without voting
Keep up the awesome work!
Probably a small bug fix. In the wallet (https://stacker.news/satistics?inc=spent) when sort is sent to include "spent" the "detail" column does not wrap the text and the "sats" column is pushed of to the right of the fixed width display.
A minor one - but searching within URLs (as well as titles & descriptions). Useful to check if an article/resource has been posted already or not
Note: There might be another solution to the above use case, such as advising when posting, that a link has already been shared on site.
We do advise when posting. Try reposting a link from the main page to see.
Otherwise, I agree. It'd be nice to search by url
Thanks for clarifying 👍 one step ahead
There is a scroll restoration bug:
When you click load more in post list and go into a post, then come back. The load more part disappear, you have to load more again..
Good one! We server side render so that's why this is hard/broken, but worth fixing for sure!
  1. "different sorts and filters for search" Date filter being top of the list.
Small thing in addition: When user clicks on their wallet history, it auto-shows the “stacked” category to see what activity happened recently. Maybe even put the history grid on the first page below fund/withdraw
For the enhanced search capability, that would be the enhancement I'ld most like to see.
One type of search criteria would be a type of from: so that I can filter for previous posts or comments made by a specific SN user.
Would it be possible to boost other people's posts? E.g. You want to post a link to a useful Bitcoin website, and see that someone already posted it December 1 2021 but only received 2 comments. You want more people to know about this website (but don't want to make a duplicate post), so you boost this post with 100 sats and it appears in "top posts" again. Or is this already included in the algorithm?
Same question ?
May The Bitcoin Be With You
formatting did well, but for custom colors there is only one color that is showing. it will be nice to have more colors like glowing green and all. Testing Text Formatting on SN Posts.
also posts under specific threads would be much tidier.
I didn't mean select from the list. Those were just examples. Give me more things to add to the list.
Add a quick formatting help tab beside preview? I see the markdown button, but it's another browser tab.
My top pick are 1, addon to 2: option to filter out link posts from results/feed 7 8
1/6/7 Are very nice enhancements
6 and 7 would be nice