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Are there any movies considered classics or really popular that you don't like or just don't get? I've seen a lot of movies, and I like them in many different genres, I have my pluses and minuses with many of them, but there's one movie that almost everyone I ask likes quite a lot and I don't like, and it's Titanic, I think that here everyone will have a movie considered by many to be a good movie or one of their favorites, but you don't like it.
I think the Matrix is incredibly overrated. Like the lore and plot are fine but the way people talk about it "bro, blue pill or red pill" and "bro, paradigm shift if we live in a Matrix bro" and my favorite "bro, do we live in a simulation: infinite simulations in simulations".
That's not a deep insight. Maybe it can be intellectually stimulating for 15 year olds.
I agree.
I was older than 15 and still admire it. Sure, Plato's allegory of the cave dressed up in 90s leather. Maybe the cultural/generational references hit home differently for some? Guess I hadn't read Snowcrash/Neuromancer yet.
Don't remember falling for the humans as batteries plot line. I like the (original?) idea of using them for a giant neural net.
It went steeply downhill after the first one.
I have no problem with enjoying the plot and the lore. The aesthetic with the 90s leather outfits, the way it is filmed, the fuji color look etc all fine.
I just think the metaphor of living in a matrix is very shallow and people make it out to be a big insight.
Actually that's what I like about Rick & Morty. When they have "paradigm shifting" scenarios it's just casual fun. Just take it easy, relax and enjoy it.
What are examples of intellectually stimulating movies?
Yeah, definitely agree on Pi.
Primer was a bit over-hyped for me. Made me think of Memento which is a solid early-directors-career movie.
just think the metaphor of living in a matrix is very shallow and people make it out to be a big insight.
is matrix overrated or is the matrix trying to hide the truth from you?
citizens will never get it ;)
I think you are looking at the concept of simulation wrong. I relate it directly to the system in which we live, which is a simulation of how to be good employees, workers, slaves and poor citizens. Personally I like how they make you question something.
It's a very real insight though, and deep for most the population who isn't awake to it yet 😉
Yeah, I am not a fan of Titanic or Avatar. Sorry James Cameron but I just don't see your "genius".
I haven't seen Titanic in a long time, but I remember liking it.
Avatar, on the other hand, is one of the worst movies I've ever seen.
I thought Titanic was boring and total garbage when I first watched it 25 odd years ago but my wife was watching it a couple years ago so like a doting husband I sat and watched it with her. It wasn't too bad the second time around.
What we do out of love... 😝
You are right. Titanic was boring.
I, on the other hand, prefer Avatar, but I don't really like it very much too.
id say the sequel was an F- if the first was a D+
I love Titanic, but never cared to watch Avatar.
I really don't know what they see in the films of that director, overrated, it's a fact.
Fantasy jacked superheros definitely fit the definition of "everyone like them but I don't". Marvel and DC stuff
what are your thoughts on Blade (1998)?
I'd say some of them were entertaining. Cinematic genius they are not however. Marvel has flat out turned to shit post end game, even then it was corny and clumsy before but at least entertaining. Now, sucks.
Could be, I'm not very knowledgeable about them to understand the turning point of the saga. To me they are simply computer-graphics enhanced videgame-like films. I prefer shows and films in which actors are actually acting, not simply moving their bodies to be a proper model to fit the computer-designed graphics.
But I have pretentious tastes, I know
For me I try to separate what is enjoyable to watch vs what is actually a good movie. A venn diagram of sorts where it's rare to overlap. Example, Schindler's List is a good movie, but when choosing what to watch or have on as background noise you are not likely to put that on. But you may throw a Marvel movie on. It's computer animated shit, but it's not without its entertainment value.
After End Game the timelines and shit became so messy, and plots became so stupid. Multiple realms, realities, etc that I personally just got annoyed and stopped caring about future releases.
Most new movies. "Oppenheimer," "Killers of the Flower Moon," "Top Gun: Maverick" are the first that come to mind. Oh, and of course, the superhero movies.
All superhero movies? Even the eternals?
Never seen it
both Top Guns were awesome, IMO
130 sats \ 1 reply \ @gmd 13 May 2024
I find it amusing that men seem to love the Princess Bride but women usually don't for some reason...
What? I loved that movie and my husband is "meh" about it. I never considered that we might be the exceptions.
Shawshank Redemption is the top movie ever on imdb: https://www.imdb.com/chart/top/
It's a good movie and I enjoyed the book as well. But it's not the best of everything ever.
Lord of the Rings. There, I said it.
how dare you
how do I downvote on SN?
Fast and furious. I think the first two or three were great but then it was crazy. There are more than 10
They lost me when Vin Diesel was chased by a submarine in the arctic.
Don't even bring up the car-rocket from fast 9, please
Agree with you.
I don't like The Avengers
same here, never got into it
Dito. Just CGI and big explosions - it does nothing for me.
I almost put that in the description, I don't like superhero movies, just a little bit Spiderman, nothing else
Most of the new Pixar/Disney are too “engineered sentimental” for my taste. I remember liking Wall-E and feeling lukewarm about Up, and after that I just haven’t gotten into another one. It feels dishonest and played out
Citizen Kane: saw somewhere it's the best movie alltime, it was boring
English Patient. Best nap of my life
LA LA Land. Was much acclaimed, wife and I turned it off after about 15 mins.
Avengers End Game: I enjoyed all the other Marvel Movies up until that point. End Game was a bore, diminished all the prior movies, and I've stopped watching MCU since.
The funny thing about La La Land is how it portrays a romanticized version of showbiz at the same time the #meetoo movement was gaining traction in real life.
Marvel: Meh
Mad Max: Fury Road.
It's at 97% on RottenTomatoes. One of the dumbest fucking movies I've ever seen.
i have a steady rule that i rarely break: no movies made after 2007
it's a nice constraint on "what to watch" that gives me some freedom from plenty of choices.
There is at least one good movie every year. Here's some nice movies you may lost if you keep your rule:
  • Tropical Thunder (2008)
  • District 9 (2009)
  • The Hunt (2012)
  • Creed (2015)
  • Dunkirk (2017)
  • Parasite (2019)
  • 1917 (2019)
  • Druk (2020)
  • Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
Parasite (2019)
wild film. enjoyed it a lot. well deserving of recognition.
Tropical Thunder (2008) District 9 (2009)
Yeah. Both enjoyable. I didn't start my rule in 2007... maybe closer to 2012 or so.
The Hunt (2012) Creed (2015) Dunkirk (2017) Druk (2020)
1917 (2019)
Title sounds interesting. I'll check the imdb But (rule #2) I won't watch more than a few seconds of the preview, if any.
Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
What's so great about it?
Top Gun: Maverick is probably the best action movie this decade so far
Dogville - I just can't stand it. Maybe it's made for actors on both sides of the screen but no one else?
From Dusk Till Dawn - Made for the whole film crew that didn't want to finish the movie?
I think you and I are in the audience of ten who actually watched Doghouse all the way. It’s made for those actors who think that that time they did Equus was the most important work of their lives…
I've never been a fan of Star Trek nor Star Wars! 😆
disclaimer: I haven't owned a tv for 15 years. (that used to be a badge i could wear, but now it's fine, you can just watch on a laptop). i'm a fan of good/interesting cinema, but i don't watch marvel or any of the rest of the garbage. i don't watch regularly released blockbusters (see above: i don't watch anything made after 2007 unless it's frequently recommended by my social network, and even then i often ignore it)
I'd encourage you to watch Star Wars: Next Generation (Season 1, Episode 1). I think there's a lot to learn about the social programming that was being delivered to people at that time, and what kinds of behaviors we can expect from our peers now, as a result.
Great ask! Considering everyone loves watching movies, I don't like movies that show some serious bloodshed/killing/bombing etc.
You can say that 300 is the movie that everyone says is quite motivating but I love the comedy 'Meet the spartans' more.
I think I know that movie you mentioned, in my country it's called "Almost 300"
That's a great name BTW. It's better than 'Meet the Spartans'.
Any of the Marvel movies (except for the Spider-Man trilogy), Star Wars, Die Hard, Terminator, the Matrix, Jurassic Park, and others that I'm not thinking of! I just don't get them for some reason, and seemingly everyone around me loves them all.
i thought that Baby Driver movie was worthy of walking out if i had seen it in a theatre. apparently people like it 🤷‍♂️
Anything by Wes Anderson or Guy Richie. I enjoyed the first of their movies that I saw, but I only needed to see one of their movies to have enough. They are so needlessly stylized (and in the exact same way as all their other movies) that their stories, if they even have one, get suffocated.
Maybe they're great movies to watch while you're on your phone? Pretty moving wallpaper? I don't get it.
Barbie..why did people like it? I thought it was boring and not funny at all.
Hahaha, I'm with you, I don't like it either.
Lord of the Rings. I don't get fantasy. Puts me to sleep. And I can't follow it at all.
Blade Runner, not that it’s a bad movie but it’s not that great.
The aviator (love Leonardo but this movie is terrible) and A Christmas story.. this one is totally unwatchable
Harry Potter. Any of them. Just feels like it's a bunch of ideas from Tolkein and StarWars stitched together whilst following round an annoying kid.
The English Patient.
It is one of my most hated movies of all time.
do you watch Seinfeld?
I just had titanic playing in the background
Turn off the TV 😝
haha I didnt think the music was that bad.
Overrated in every aspect haha.
Madea movies are unwatchable, yet people seem to like them. It baffles me.