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My dog Sophie

Progress, Or The Lack Thereof?

It’s been about 6 months since I started this territory, so I think it’s about time (well past, actually) that I started putting some thought into its future prospects, if any.
I have always hoped that this space would evolve on its own, and, to some extent that has happened. My impression is that new stackers find their way here for a few obvious reasons, including the following:
  • It’s cheap. It is probably one of the least expensive ways to post on Stacker News. The bar is low for people who don’t yet have many sats to play around with. I plan to keep it that way.
  • It’s easy. It may be a little intimidating for new stackers to come up with content that other people find interesting. It’s a pretty low bar to just upload a photo of your pet.
I almost always zap posts, so clever observers of the territory realize they can make a few sats by the simple act of posting a photo, since my minimum zap is higher than the cost to post. I am aware of this, and I frankly don’t mind subsidizing the territory a little bit. However, it is obvious that I am doing most of the zapping, and I frankly don’t see a mutually supporting community evolving here. That’s a shame, because the beautiful thing about Stacker News is that you can earn sats by zapping. You can build your own community, learn from each other, benefit the animals you love, and help to make the world a better place with bitcoin. If you aren’t aware of how zaps are incentivized, check out this reply crafted by @ch0k1 that he sends to each new Stacker News account:
Welcome to the platform! It's full of quality content so read and learn, try to contribute by adding good content. Here are some intro articles that you need to go through in order to get familiar with the platform and its ideology: • The official SN FAQ • The official SN GuideThe Zen of Stacking Sats On Stacker News by @siggy47The Art of Using Stacker News & The Art of Using Stacker News II by @Natalia

Building A Community

I have not given up hope yet, because there are a few of you out there who repeatedly post photos to the site. Unfortunately, you just seem content with receiving a few sats, mostly from me, and not reciprocating by zapping other posts. Not only are you preventing this community from growing, but you are also limiting your ability to earn sats here.
I am aware that this territory is, and probably always will be, primarily a place to post photos of our beloved pets. That’s the way it should be, but there is room here for other types of posts. A weekly meme contest would probably do well. I don’t have the time to organize something like that myself, but I would be willing to help with the awards. I also can imagine that this territory could become the perfect place to promote charity fundraisers for shelters, rescue organizations, educational programs and the like. Maybe my vision is unrealistic, but I hope there’s someone here willing to step up to do the leg work. You would be doing some good for animals in need, and you can earn some bitcoin at the same time.
Another disappointment is the lack of stories. Our pets are important to us. Including a few words about your pet along with the photo would seem to me to be the bare minimum. Better would be to tell the story of you and your pet. I would be willing to bet that a heartfelt story would also garner the poster many more sats.
Anyway, these are my thoughts. I welcome any ideas and suggestions other than “just forget it and shut the territory down.”

If you are inclined to zap this post, don't! Instead, zap each others.

Maybe you should change the name to Pets. I thought the territory was just going to be a fun place where people post pics of their pets and some do that but I thought we would have dog day afternoons where we would get streams of pet pics. At least that is what I was hoping for.
Anyways here is an idea for you. How about a weekly caption this and top ranked one gets the sats zapped to the post? So, someone posts a pet pic and then we all have to come up with a good caption for it.
For Instance
Dog Day Afternoons! Love that title, although all I can think of is Al Pacino screaming "Attica, Attica!" I have considered changing the name to Pets. I should crowd source it. Your caption contest idea is a good one. Maybe we'll try that too.
You could maybe try a contest? Incentivize people to put more effort in their photos?
Yeah. That's a good idea. I think I have bitten off more than I can chew right now, so I'm hoping one of the regulars who post here might step up to run it. That would be similar to what I was talking about with the meme contest. The benefit for the stacker would be that I'm footing the territory cost, and I would happily contribute to the award.
I didn’t see you say that in the post. I would happily participate.
A weekly meme contest would probably do well. I don’t have the time to organize something like that myself, but I would be willing to help with the awards.
It would be great if you would run with it! I'll be happy to give you any help and support you want.
K, I can foot half the prize. What size would be appropriate for your territory?
Honestly we can keep it modest to start. I only charge 20 sats to post. I think a weekly 1000 sats contest would do well. If you put up half, I bet you easily will earn that back on zaps for the contest post. If it catches on we can increase awards. If you want to start higher, that's okay too.