Honestly we can keep it modest to start. I only charge 20 sats to post. I think a weekly 1000 sats contest would do well. If you put up half, I bet you easily will earn that back on zaps for the contest post. If it catches on we can increase awards. If you want to start higher, that's okay too.
K, I’ll post it tomorrow. Every Monday with the prize being awarded on Sat. Sound good?
Very good. Obviously you need to give some thought to rules. I'm excited.
I honestly would love any structuring advice you have. Give it all to me.
We'll, most importantly, I think it should be judged with zaprank. As I discovered recently, you should log in as anon when looking at zaprank. Some other stuff- only original photos. This might be tough to prove, but put it out there. Also set out a clearly defined time that the contest ends.
K, I have a write up if you want to check it out. Lmk where to send or how you would like to see it.
Have you ever sent a 1 sat message to a fellow stacker by using your wallet? Or just post it here and you can delete it after we check it out.
Or. .. you can make a post announcing the contest, post the draft, and ask the community for suggestions.