What do the numbers on the graphic mean?
My understanding of plant based protein is that they're of a far lower quality, and not as well absorbed as animal protein. Just like iron pills vs. iron from beef. My friend had anemia for moths, while trying all kinds of different iron pills. After a friend told her to switch to beef, her anemia cleared up within 2 weeks.
Personally I have encountered huge health benefits from going carnivore. Here's a bit of what I've written on Stacker News on the topic:
What do the numbers on the graphic mean?
% In 100 g
It shows the quantity of protein every 100 g constitute.
Thanks for the reply with many enthusiastic links suggesting the benifits of non-vegan foods.
I've no issues with the peope eating animal based foods. But, for your links, I can reply you with more links than you provided. But, I wouldn't do that because I respect people's choices for the necessities of life.
My choice is mine and I have no objection to yours.