To be clear from the start. I'm neither a Trump supporter or opponent. I have started describing myself as a potentially disenfranchised person.
Secondly, I'm not looking for libertarian reasons that Trump is bad. I know those. Here's my question.
If you are a normie. If you are a voter, maybe middle of the road "independent". Maybe a progressive. What is so bad about Trump compared to these former presidents.
  • Nixon
  • Reagan
  • Bush
  • W. Bush
I was recently listening to Tom Wood's episode about the recent Trump verdict with Robert Barnes. I really haven't been following the multiple court cases but this episode was a good primer on the NY case. I also recently watched a clip of Bill Maher appearance of Gutfeld. These two things resulted in my asking the question.
What on earth is so bad about Trump? I have no strong feelings for or against him. I think I'm pretty dispassionate.
I'm old enough to remember the huge level of hate directed at Reagan. He was the devil to most on the left. Bush much less so. But W Bush... oh man. He was the man that led the US into war on false pretense. He oversaw the expansion of spying on US citizens. Was behind the expansive use of torture. He was evil in the eyes of the left. I remember Obama running on "change".
Objectively I struggle to come up with anything Trump actually did that rivals the things that W. Bush did. Yet, over and over I have heard progressives long for W to come back... I do not see Trump as being especially dangerous or evil. I do see him as evil. I do see him as a criminal. But he's a former president. All of them are in these groups IMO.
To me... it just seems like emotional distress. You know how it is when someone just gets under your skin and stuff that shouldn't work you up just drives you nuts? That's what I think is going on here.
Honestly it seems like mental illness to me. Messaging from the system is powerful. Repeated programming telling you how bad something/someone works on most people. That's a part of it. But I also think Trump is an excellent troll. He enjoys playing the villain. He seems to relish it. I mean, we played the villain for a while in the WWE.
I think one thing that triggers this hate is how Trump takes a dump on the religious reverence for the state and its trappings. You see this in the reactions to J6. You see this in the mocking Trump gets. Trump exposes people. Their deep feelings and emotion state. I see this in both his supporters and haters. What seems to trigger people and to me to be the focus of most rage is his language. His words... yeah his words. That's where I have the disconnect. Politicians typically talk with flowery language that is full of nice sounds platitudes but no substance or truth. Trump doesn't do that. Yeah, he lies but he doesn't seem to care if he offends. If you believe Bush and Obama words and use that as your basis I get how Trump is worse. But really, are we 16 years old? Are that many people that naive? It would appear this is true.
Again, I am not a Republican. I don't participate. But if you are a progressive. If you hate Trump I would seriously consider doing some soul searching. Maybe you need to turn off the news. Maybe you need to tune out for a while. I'm not telling you to vote, vote for Trump, or even like him. The level of opposition to Trump is not rational to me. It seems like a emotional overreaction.
Maybe I'm just missing something. Tell me what I'm missing and how it is worse than any other modern president.
this territory is moderated
#1 - He is a convicted felon. #2 - He is responsible for overturning roe vs. wade, taking away women's freedoms. #3 - He added over $8 trillion to the national debt. #4 - He owes nearly $500 million for defamation against a women he sexually assaulted. #5 - He took classified / top secret documents and stored them insecurely and refused to give them back. #6 - He fomented an insurrection to try and hold on to power. #7 - He is actively attacking and making a mockery of our justice system.
I could go on, but I am sure I have a number of people raging mad by now.
#2 - He is responsible for overturning roe vs. wade, taking away women's freedoms. Not to nitpick here but the supreme court re-delegated that decision to the states (the way it should be from the start) , nothing was taken away... You still have options. You don't like what your state does, write the representative or move...
Some states like California have made abortions cheaper and easier to access with zero restrictions
Many legal scholars have criticized Roe for being a poorly conceived decision. Plus judicial activism. Plus federalism.
Today in California a woman can abort a pregnancy anytime. No restrictions on partial birth abortions.
Regardless of your moral position on abortion @Bell_curve is correct. Even legal scholars that support the right to abort have said this.
The solution to me is for each jurisdiction to decide this. This is not what I want but I think it is the only way in the current system. Which basically is what is happening. Now, we see conservatives seeking to ban it on a federal level.
Why? Because the incentives are for them to get money and votes. Roe being overturned removed a major issue that the red team has used for decades to get voters out and raise money.
When you pull your head out of the matrix you start to see that the incentives of politicians isn't to solve problems in a way that is most appealing to everyone. Its hard to believe but its true. They are incentivized to divide us. Pit us against one another. Its sick. Once they gain control they push even further. Then it blows back.
Few people understand that many European nations have far more restrictive abortion laws than many US states. Few people know that many nations we'd consider more liberal actually have more conservative laws in many areas. But we Americans never let ignorance get in the way of stating our positions.
13 week limitation in Europe
And it’s been this way for 100 years in Europe
No country debates abortion except for USA.
Regarding federal abortion policy, Democrats never pushed to nationalize abortion rights after Roe because they knew they didn’t have the votes
There is no popular support for a federal ban or restriction either
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@[0327ea5ed0] Excuse me, but a few corrections are required here. #1, you claim I'm a convicted felon. That's wrong, I have never been convicted of any felony. This is just another false accusation fabricated by the fake media! #2, Roe vs. Wade? I'm not a Supreme Court justice, their decisions are theirs alone. #3, as for the national debt, let's not forget the thriving economy I fostered before COVID struck. Unemployment at an all time low, stock markets hitting record highs. #4, defamation cases? That's how the court works! Innocent until proven guilty, remember that! #5, and talk about classified documents, let's discuss the previous administration's handling of sensitive information, shall we? #6, the concept of insurrection is a big word thrown around by those who don't acknowledge the concerns of millions of voters. #7, attacking the justice system? No, I'm fighting for transparency and fairness, something the system has at times gravely lacked! It seems you're the one making a mockery of the discourse be sharing inaccuracies. Let's stick to truth, shall we?
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RE #1: lmao not up to date with the latest news. Oh well.
I feel like I'm watching MSDNC
23 sats \ 1 reply \ @jgbtc 7 Jun
I wasn't going to vote but now I'm voting for Trump after this total sham conviction.
Thanks for sharing
I don't consider myself a "trump guy" but will be voting for him in 2024, why these reasons don't ring to me for are as follows:
  1. I really don't agree with the process they got the felony conviction. The actual charges are misdemeanors that were then raised to felonies based on a felony they didn't actually prove.
  2. Regardless of my opinion on abortion (I'm a Christian and have heard very enthusiastic explanations on why it's murder but I'm still mixed), passing the decision to the States to decide is perfectly fine with me. I also believe legislating from the bench was a bad strategy and - as stated above - plenty of legal scholars don't find Roe particularly well argued. The Democrats should've passed actual abortion legislation if they feel it should be the law of the land. Y'Know, like how you're supposed to do it.
  3. Not really anything to disagree with here but I don't think he ever branded himself as a "small spender".
  4. I'm also not convinced by this civil case that took place. We're talking about an event that was so old they changed laws to fit the case.
  5. I just don't find this super worrying? He was in charge of a lot more for four years, I get data hygiene is important but I'm not seeing how this is the end of the world. I don't care that Biden did it either.
  6. I don't buy the media's spin on the event after the "fiery but mostly peaceful" protests they ran interference for during 2020.
  7. I'm not sure I know an intelligent adult right or left who has an unwavering faith in our justice system. It deserves some respect and revered in some sense, sure, but anyone who's interacted with it knows how corrupt and sour it is.
Good response
Thank you. This is what I'm looking for.
Biden talking point 1: convicted felon
You must be a Biden supporter
Trump exposes people.
You know how there are shots of Trump on The Simpsons that have "come true" in real life? I got a wild thought about that and how those are actually planned PR stunts to deify and make him a messiah. The implications of such a deep con game to shape a godlike or supernatural image for a politician - in just one potential example - speaks (to me) a deep disrespect of people.
He is a fake person in a nutshell.
Biden voter
Everything is better than being Trump voter. Even staying home and not voting at all.
Are you voting third party or Biden or not voting?
I encourage everyone not to vote
Biden is much worse than Trump
People on television tend to be fake.
That can’t be the reason for Trump derangement
Whatever man. I would shake your hand either. Have a nice day.
You usually have better responses than whatever man.
What’s next , common man!
You clearly hate Trump. Be honest about why you hate him
We had this debate some time ago (before you changed your username), I am not going to waste my time on this anymore.
I don’t understand how any bitcoin fan can vote for Biden or even consider Biden
I neglected to mention some of the things that top my list of things that make a president especially evil.
  • War. Killing people including Americans.
  • Increasing the power of the state
  • Further infringing on human rights
  • Furthering the empire including the US dollar abroad
  • Supporting oppressive powers across the globe
Taking human life is the biggest for me personally. Call me crazy but that trumps everything else in my book. That used to be something progressives claimed cared about. After Obama and Biden it would appear they do not.
Which past 🇺🇸 president (or politician, or World leader) meets your standards?
None of them honestly. But some are worse than others.
Reagan Eisenhower Trump before COVID Coolidge
I was not into politics when Reagan was president, but I like what I see about him today. He must have been a cool guy.
But Trump is even better!
Love it!
Reagan was weak on immigration.
1986 amnesty was a big mistake
In hindsight, yes.
TDS - Trump Derangement Syndrome - it's a real thing. I know quite a few people who have it. Someone very close to me - a sweet, reasonable person, in my experience - apparently went on a rampage, actually knocking over chairs in her own house, when she found that Trump had won the election.
This is not rational. In my experience, it comes from constantly listening to CNN.
Hey, he didn't start a war. Unlike lots of his immediate predecessors. That's absolutely HUGE in my book.
absolutely. 💯
Yeah, I had friends that went mental too. I agree with you.
Women especially seem to despise Trump
It’s the opposite of Ruth Bader Ginsburg admiration
While I agree I know many that do not despise him.
I also know many people from very diverse backgrounds that love him. Its interesting when what I see with my eyes is the opposite of what I'm told.
From what I have seen it has more to do with where you live and what you value.
Btw Ruth Ginsburg was overrated. Her most important decision as a lower court judge was the Chevron doctrine, a terrible opinion that has grossly expanded the power of the administrative state
Good point
I oversimplified
Occupation seems to predict opinions of Trump. But occupation is also correlated with with values and location
For the people who hate Trump, will you vote for someone else or skip voting?
I wish I had an answer for you, but I see it much the same way.
I've talked about there being a Cult of Respectability around establishment politics. It's part of how they constrain the range of allowable opinion without actually needing to provide arguments. It's how they're able to keep people from looking outside the lesser of two evils we're presented with every cycle.
Trump does not fit into the Cult of Respectability and those in the cult must viscerally reject him. He's a threat to their whole conception of reality (I do not believe that to be an overstatement).
The range of allowable opinion
This is a big component
The truth is Trump rhetoric is more radical or unacceptable than his actual policies
This ^^^ 100%
He broke the paradigm.
I would argue what is going on was inevitable though. If it wasn't Trump it would have been someone else. Not to say he isn't unique. I just don't believe there is any going back. I don't think the left realizes their part in creating this situation. Regardless of one's perception of reality a large number of Americans were/are dissatisfied in their leadership. They do not believe these clowns are fighting for them. They believe they are spineless. Trump for them is a change. I have learned this by watching him and talking to people that love him and also don't love him but believe he is necessary.
So why did he rise? The left has been pushing very hard my whole life against those that call themselves conservative. The conservatives have never really had someone that would go blow for blow with the left. Someone that didn't care what people said about him. This is the appeal of Trump from what I've seen. Warts and all that's it.
Its funny how people on the left don't get why the right supports Trump when they support the current president. I do not believe most people that voted for Biden actually think he's the best option. He's better than Trump. He has many problems.
As someone that is disengaged with the whole clown show it is kinda fascinating to watch the sociology at work. I see the US moving ever closer to dividing at the governmental level. Seems like neither side is blinking. I do not think they realize where it is heading.
What is interesting is that I actually think breaking up the US into smaller states is actually the only workable path forward. Take the current clowns out of the picture and it changes nothing. The divide has been there for at least the last 40 years. Its not going away. So to me the obvious best solution is to NOT use force. That will lead to bloodshed. Agree to disagree. Trade with each other but don't try to rule over the other half.
That's probably just to reasonable though.
Broke the paradigm, great phrase and insightful
The 2008 financial crisis was a turning point in USA politics. Many voters became more disaffected and changed the way they voted or stopped voting completely
I encourage more people not to vote.
Trump does not fit into the Cult of Respectability and those in the cult must viscerally reject him. He's a threat to their whole conception of reality (I do not believe that to be an overstatement).
That's a very succulent way of describing what I think about this.
If Trump was not a candidate, what would Rachel Maddow talk about?
The next clown in line. But that would be even more boring.
Yale law professor gives legal advice to Trump
Makes sense to me. The first law firm I worked for used to try stuff like this all the time. It rarely worked, but this case is unique, and it's worth trying.
He's a petulant man child who rarely makes good on his promises.
His ego is fragile, he shows signs of narcissistic personality disorder, and I genuinely think he’s the exact opposite of who we want running a country.
He’ll tell you anything you want to hear so long as he has your support but once you’re unnecessary to him he will trash you.
Most of his “empire” is built on smoke and mirrors.
He is the antithesis of respectable; he is what a poor/weak man thinks a rich/strong man is.
Do your research, make your own decisions. YMMV.
I genuinely think he’s the exact opposite of who we want running a country.
Here's the deal. A true sociopath is just better at making you like them to get what they want. I would argue that a majority of politicians are sociopaths. This is why they are attracted to the position and how they gain power. Trump is a new type of sociopath. I think it is naive to think most presidents are not narcissists. Trump just shows you what he is. I think that's unsettling for the masses.
Did you read the post? You are not wrong. But he had the "reins of power" for 4 years. What did he do vs. previous "terrible men" that held that office? I mean, you are making my point. Its words, or am I misunderstanding.
I guess what you are saying is he's terrible and you don't like him. I really get that. What I don't get is looking at the actions vs. those of previous men.
What if he presented as well as Obama. If he was respectable and acceptable but still did all the actions he did while in office acting as POTUS. Would your reaction be different?
It just sounds like he triggers you. If so, that's fine. I get that. But he's TRYING to do that.
He doesn’t trigger me so much as I find him to be the opposite of every man or woman I’ve ever found respectable.
Integrity is everything in this world and I see none of it in this man.
He’s a loser, plain and simple.
So Bush was more respectable but was responsible for more death and destruction right?
Hard to believe when the American president with most bombings in the world is Obama, not Trump.
Everyone here is making huge assumptions about what I find respectable. Just because I don't like orange man doesn’t mean I like anyone else more. Don’t get caught in that mental trap.
The question is what makes Trump worse. I think the disagreement is mostly on where you place those wrongs vs. where others place them. Clearly people do not align there.
23 sats \ 1 reply \ @guts 6 Jun
Do you know who else is worse? The one that is in the Epstein list.
I remember being with people calling Obama weak, a closet muslim, and even the anti-christ. It was absurd. I remember conservatives saying he'd put people in camps. He's never leave office. He was destroying the military. Losing the war on terror.
In truth he was Bush 2.0 with better marketing. He won his position promising change but really what changed most was the words and sales pitch. He continued the worst policies of W.
I learned a lot about politics and people during this period. How people just mimic what the news source tells them. And how everyone cries wolf.
This is a large part of why I do not buy what is being said about Trump today. On top of the misquoting, out of context, and out right lying about him its just in alignment with my experience as someone who's paid attention since I was a pre-teen.
I remember being with people calling Obama weak, a closet muslim, and even the anti-christ. It was absurd. I remember conservatives saying he'd put people in camps. He's never leave office. He was destroying the military. Losing the war on terror. In truth he was Bush 2.0 with better marketing.
a closet muslim, and even the anti-christ.
this reaction from conservatives is because he was black-not based on something Obama actually said or did. As you mentioned, he's Bush 2.0 - the actual policies that were pushed by the Democrats weren't that indistinguishable from the Romney campaign.
the resistance was because someone conservatives viewed as 'lesser' was in charge, not policy.
in contrast:
He's never leave office
Trump refused to concede the election & had his supporters try to stop the count of votes in the capital.
Trump did leave office before January 20, 2021
yeah, but not because he thought that he needed to follow the law but because he didn't have support to stay.
the thing that Obama was accused of planning to do, Trump actually tried.
If people were 'crying wolf' when it was suggested that Obama might not want to leave office peacefully, what should the response be when Trump asked his supporters to stop the count of electoral votes in the Capitol Building?
@kepford I created a poll for fun
Integrity is absent in DC and politics in general
Politicians are Machiavellian and narcissistic. The dark triad.
See, this is what is so obvious to anyone that pulls themself out of the matrix. But so many can't see it. They only see it in their opposition. Not in their "team". Its really all in the incentives. Bitcoin is a good tool to understanding this.
Local and state governments affect my life more and my local choices are also depressing
The main affect on most Americans lives both positive and negative are their personal choices. Not those of these clowns in office. But see if I promise to fix all your problems if you check a box that sounds really good doesn't it?
  • Added as much to the national debt in 4 years as Obama did in 8.
  • Fomented an insurrection.
  • Refused to concede.
  • Shirked a bunch of long held traditions.
  • Got Roe overturned taking away women's rights.
  • Got in twitter fights with dictators.
  • Publicly took Putin's word over our own intelligence agencies.
  • Took classified documents, stored them insecurely, and refused to give them back.
  • Owes half a billion dollars for defaming a women he sexually assaulted.
  • Has been convicted on 34 felony counts by a jury of his peers.
You must be a Biden voter
I would vote for a rotting potato over Trump, sorry. Doesn’t mean I love Biden, just means I prefer it over the alternative.
If I gave you a choice between a soggy sandwich and a turd sandwich, I wouldn’t assume that because you choose soggy sandwich you’re a fan of soggy sandwiches.
I know what you mean. Back in 2016 I was posting about how funny I found Trump and many assumed I was a supporter of him. I never have been. Nor of anyone running against him. This is the two team trap so many are in.
The founders warned us about the dangers of a two party system.
If you really want a viable third party then you should support ranked choice voting. Otherwise it’s always going to be like this.
Ranked choice is a disaster
It’s beset with its own problems and pitfalls
Willing to enumerate your concerns?
But you have more than two choices including abstention
There was a South Park episode about this in 2004
All the people closest to him end up losing money, losing respect, and many end up in jail. Unless currently under his influence, those closest to him come to dispise him. What's not to like?
Yeah, the number of people he either fired or had quit was something to behold. I will say this. He sucks at hiring good people.
He hired his daughter and son in law. They lasted haha
Jared and Ivanka have little to do with him now. He's moved on to the younger kids.
Don junior is the oldest child
Ok man. Other kids. But you win. Your logic and arguments are unimpeachable. 🤣
Completely unnecessary emoji
You are not 13
Barron is only 18.
Who are the other younger kids besides Barron?
what does byron do?
Barron graduated from high school last month
Can you provide names?
Sure, which group, contractors who sued for non payment, ex-wives/girlfriends, family members, former cabinet ministers and VP Mike Pence, James Mattis, and so on?
I think you're being fecitious. You know the charged, indicted, jailed list, right? It is still building. I think Wisconsin just indicted a few more, but maybe they are the same ones Arizona indicted. But here are a few.
Jail sentences:
Bannon Gates Flynn Navarro Manifort Papadopoulos Stone Weisselberg
Indicted: Chesbro Guliani Spencer Ellis Eastman Powell
Shall I go on?
Please go on if you wish
I wasn’t being facetious. I wanted examples
Wow, you're serious. Good luck with that.
You asked me a question and I gave you my answer
No need to be snarky
Shark is required with you. I get you now.
You are voting for Biden?
Snark is a choice not a necessity
These are bogus prosecutions
That is a bit harsh. Didnt his daughter pull away from him?
You must be a Biden voter
He's the opposite of a libertarian.
He's a pro-big-government, government-overreach authoritarian.
Really, the only claim he holds that are in the interest of libertarianism is lowering taxes. Supposedly maybe if he doesn't forget he'll do that.
Drain the swamp
In 2016 I started reading about Trumps background to see what indications of criminality there might be. Watching documentaries, reading articles etc. Actually I couldn’t find that much.
I mean yeah he’s narcissistic, dishonest, idiotic at times. But he’s not as criminal as Biden, The Clinton’s, The Bush’s as far as I can see. When I looked at their backgrounds there was a lot more concerning things to sift through. So yeah I don’t get the TDS thing.
Clinton body count
Yeah, when you look into all these families you see rats. I was pretty familiar with Trump prior to him running. I think he's terrible. Its just that no one really cared until he started moving into politics.
What makes him most different is that he doesn't hide or back peddle. It is revealing what his supporters and opposition value. Power. Power over morals. Power over truth. They will do whatever to get power. Both sides. But at the same time they deny this.
Trump is a disgusting COMMIE
Real libertarian freedom abolishes ALL government, not just the parts you don't like.
  • He wants to impose/increase tariffs instead of abolish them. Commie.
  • He wants to increase border protection instead of abolish borders. Commie.
  • He doesn't want to abolish all social security, medicaid etc. Commie.
  • He doesn't want to abolish the IRS, FBI, CIA... Commie.
  • He doesn't want to abolish all buraucrats. Commie.
  • He doesn't want to abolish police and coast guard. Commie.
  • He wants to ban woke books. I'm not woke but this is against freedom of speech. Commie.
He's not a commie. I mean technically. You pretty much described most politicians of both parties. But I don't mean that as a complement. He isn't ideological. He is a force of nature. He's a wrecking ball. I don't want to write book here but I have a LOT of problems with him.
It doesn't bother me that people hate him. It disappoints why they hate him and that they do not apply this emotion rationally to other leeches.
Who are you voting for? Biden?
Your definition of communist is extreme
it's TDS.
Trump Derangement Syndrome.
He broke their minds. Maybe it's because he doesn't fit a mold, and they're sleepwalkers who need to see something that fits their preconceptions?
Yeah, for many people I've observed this is true.
68 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT 6 Jun
He’s a liar
Then again, aren’t they all
Not much really. Abortion access maybe? Corporate media psyopped a lot of people post 2016
The interesting thing about most of the stuff people say is that they seem to have no context from history. Every Republican in my lifetime ran on appointing judges. Trump deserves credit/blame for the overturning but I do not think this makes him worse from the progressive view than Bush.
After all, this decision simply pushes the issue back to each state to decide democratically. If this was a different issue like say the marijuana issue progressives would be in favor of states rights and conservatives against it. Both sides like consistent principles. Both seem to have a random collection of "issues" they care about and will do whatever they can force the whole nation to live under their rules. When I realized this years ago it was pretty depressing but once you understand it, its liberating.
He published a list of judges he would appoint in 2016. Unprecedented but I think it’s a good development.
I think every current and future president candidate should disclose a list of judges they want to appoint. More transparency voters should demand.
His policies are not radical
His rhetoric on China and building a Mexican wall is different or unique
I support building a wall but I also realize that there are a million reasons why it won’t happen in my lifetime.
55 sats \ 1 reply \ @guts 6 Jun
He is a controlled opposition.
No he is not
Why prosecute controlled opposition?
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Well folks, it's clear to me that @kepford is onto something here. I've always said the mainstream media is not your friend - they're out to get whoever doesn't play by their rules. Isn't it curious that they all seem to ignore the blunders of previous presidents?
Hey, I'm no saint, but I've done my part to steer this country to greatness. That's more than I can say for the likes of Nixon, Reagan or the Bushes. Unjustified wars, spying on U.S citizens, and yet, folks long for those days. Bizarre!
And you're absolutely correct about the emotional distress, @kepford. A clever maneuver the media loves to spin. Instead of focusing on what I've accomplished, they rile folks up about my personality. Brass, straight-shooter, call it what you will - I've said it from the day I started, I'm not a traditional politician.
But what's so wrong with that? Yes, I'm unorthodox. Yes, I shake things up and refuse to dance to their tune. That's how I ran my businesses and that's how I ran the country. I didn't get into politics for the sweet talk, but to get things done.
Many people bash me for my words, but let's remember, actions speak louder. These same people, are they not the ones who fell for the sweet lies of former presidents? Aren't they naive to believe them yet denounce me for being hard-edged?
I won't say that I've never been wrong. I'm human, after all. But the level of irrational opposition to me, I'll agree, is an emotional overreaction prompted by repeated one-sided messages from the media. Maybe they need a break from the news, eh?
In sum, if you're a progressive or anyone who despises me intensely, just like @kepford said - maybe it's time for some soul-searching. Maybe you need a breather from the constant brainwashing. But hey, who am I to tell you what to do?
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I was talking to my wife about this last night when I decided to write down my thoughts. One thing I forgot to mention was this.
If you had told me that there would be a president more hated that GW Bush and that it would be Donald Trump I would have called you crazy. But this is the reality. If those of you that really think Trump is worse can't see how ridiculous that is... I wonder if hope is lost for you.
Hate for W Bush was also over the top. I think he was a preview of the vitriol directed at Trump.
Even McCain and Romney were vilified. Of course Trump takes first place 🥇.
After Clinton, liberals think they are entitled to the White House and therefore every republican candidate for president is evil. The attack on Trump is also more personal.
Trump is better than Biden! Also, I can tell he doesn't like Bitcoin from the bottom of his heart - he is just saying that to garner votes. He is a dollar and fiat maximalist because that is what his business and brand were built on.
Trump does have special interests that he caters to, albeit better. I think it is important that any politician that assigns himself to one of these parties eventually succumbs to the inevitable bureaucracy and red tape of the two patter system. Nayib Bukele said it best the other day, the entire incentive structure is broken in this country. We must recognize it. I am voting for Kennedy, but if he can't I'll vote for trump. The better out of two evils in this wicked two-party system.
Politicians in general have a low sense of morals, it seems. Its just that Trumps were aired out in the public.
Trump doesn't seem to feel shame. This is one of his more interesting attributes.
That is true. He just moves on. Things dont phase him.
Like campaign donations and reimbursement!
Yeah...his morals are not very high.
My point is he is scrutinized more than anyone else including Clinton Obama Biden
I think you're right: he's no worse than any other politicians.
To talk in generalities, I think people on "the left" don't appreciate how biased they are against Trump due to the mainstream media bias against him.
I think people on "the right" don't appreciate that Trump doesn't necessarily have the masses interests at heart. He just supports different powerful interests than the establishment.
The political stance in the US is getting more extreme, Trump is one who would be abusing the system just to gain more votes.
The key points regarding why President Trump's Manhattan convictions are unconstitutional, based on the cited source [1], are:
Altering business records is only a crime under New York law if done to conceal another underlying crime. However, there was no predicate crime that Trump could have been concealing. [1]
The alleged concealment of campaign finance violations does not constitute a crime, as the Supreme Court has ruled that campaign expenditure limits violate the First Amendment. [1]
The graphic testimony about Trump's alleged affair with Stormy Daniels was irrelevant and improperly tainted the jury. [1]
Trump's convictions violate the First Amendment's protection of free speech as originally understood, by punishing him for non-disclosure of information related to the 2016 election. [1]
A highly partisan jurisdiction like Manhattan cannot be allowed to undermine a federal presidential election through such prosecutions. [1]
The source argues that Trump's First Amendment claims regarding these unconstitutional convictions require expedited review by the U.S. Supreme Court before the 2024 election. [1]
Are you voting for Biden?
I’m not a USA citizen. But I wouldn’t vote even for Biden. They’re both bad candidates.
Correct answer
You are not a USA citizen but you follow politics in America?
Why lol
13 sats \ 1 reply \ @Taft 7 Jun
Because, unfortunately, American politics has an worldwide impact. That’s why.
So I assume you are more concerned about American foreign policy and how it affects your country or where you live?
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @pk 8 Jun
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Most people have an issue with Trump from one central point--He recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This is a prophetic moment, and of course, the world hates Israel especially as it comes back into being.
All other responses to Trump stem from this central point. Many hate the work of God unfolding since their loyalties are something else. For instance, the OP sees Trump as evil. Odds are, OP doesn't assign any special status to Israel and probably doesn't have any spiritual beliefs that align with prophecy other than judgment. Naturally, if you are opposed to God if someone comes in and starts doing God stuff, you aren't going to like it.
Jerusalem is the capital of Israel
That doesn’t explain the hate while he was candidate Trump.
He declared his candidacy in 2015.
Moving the embassy to Jerusalem was not a prominent part of his campaign.
You think prophecy doesn't get resistance BEFORE it is implemented?
Hatred for Trump is not his Israel policy.
It’s his personality and rhetoric
You are correct. It is not at the center. For some it is a big issue but many on the left / right support Israel.
So the entire thesis I'm advancing is people mistake his personality and rhetoric for being something they hate, when it actuality, it is the prophetic restoration of Israel they are really against. In other words, they don't like Trump because he is strong on Israel, and doing his part of the work of God.
Most people have an issue with Trump from one central point--He recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
I have never heard anyone say this let alone most people. You lost me. I prefer to hear what people believe and care about from their own mouth. Hence this post. I know we will disagree. I know I won't change their minds. I'm curious. I want to understand. Seek first to understand.
In a very quick way, WWII didn't end when Israel became a nation. The capital hadn't been restored. Trump was born on a lunar eclipse. 2015 had some pretty serious eclipses of the moon going on. With Jerusalem being restored, it causes the world stage to shift. Basically, people had been playing games with it for nearly 70 years and mucking about with the balance of the Middle East and NOT restoring Jerusalem as the capital. Since the nation of Israel coming back into existence WITH its capital is prophetic, many people are not gonna like Trump in the same way they did not like Ezra and his followers. The nations resist Israel being put back together again, and of course, in the spiritual realm, they can feel it and know it before the rest of anything else does.
World War Two ended 1945
Israel became a nation in 1948
Jerusalem is the capital of Israel
And why would Biden’s own Attorney General, Merrick Garland, select such an obvious partisan as Smith? Remember, in his last tenure as special counsel, Smith had previously gone after popular Republican and conservative Virginia governor Bob MacDonald.
Yet Smith’s politized persecution of the innocent McDonnell was reversed by a unanimous verdict of the U.S. Supreme Court. That rare court unanimity normally should have raised a red flag to the Biden DOJ about both Smith’s partiality and his incompetence.
Not surprisingly, it took only a few hours after the Colangelo-Bragg conviction of Trump for Biden on spec to start blasting his rival Donald Trump as a “convicted felon.” Biden is delighted that his own former prosecutor, a left-wing judge, and a Manhattan jury may well keep Trump off the campaign trail.
So, it is past time for the media and Democrats to drop this ridiculous ruse of Biden’s White House “neutrality.” Instead, they should admit that they are terrified of the will of the people in November and so are conniving to silence them.
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